Main > Drugs> Linden flowers

Linden flowers

Pharmacological action

Цветущая липаRod Lipy combines about thirty species of trees and over one hundred hybridgene types. Trees are characterized by a mighty trunk, dense krone and big life expectancy – on average it is more than 300 years. The most widespread look – a linden small-leaved which is used as a medicinal, melliferous, technical and food plant.

The Linden begins to blossom on 20-30 lives, usually in June-July for two weeks. Collect Linden flowers when more than a half of flowers blossoms, and the others are in a budding stage.

Dry collected flowers of the Linden in well aired rooms, in a shadow on air or in special dryers at a temperature not higher than 45 degrees. From 1 kg of fresh flowers about 300 g of dry raw materials on average turn out. At the correct storage flowers of the Linden do not lose the medicinal properties for 3 years.

Medicinal properties of flowers of the Linden are known long ago and are applied both in traditional, and in traditional medicine. Flowers of the Linden contain bitter and tannins, essential oil, saponins, flavonida, vitamins, sugar, coumarin, wax, glucose, carotene, micro and macrocells. Medicinal properties of flowers of the Linden allow to apply them as sudorific, calming, diuretic, antiinflammatory and astringent to improvement allocation of a gastric juice, sweating, increase in secretion of digestive glands and simplification of outflow of bile.

The linden is used for receiving the Lime coal applied as absorbent at tuberculosis, food poisonings, stomach diseases to diarrhea and as outside means to treatment of the bleeding open wounds. From lime wood receive tar which is widely applied to treatment of eczemas. The bark of the Linden prepared in the winter is applied as cholagogue means. The fresh crushed kidneys of the Linden apply as soothing and anti-inflammatory drug at burns.

Release form

Flowers of the Linden produce in the form of the crushed vegetable raw materials in packs 100 g.

Also lime color is applied as a part of various medicinal collecting and dietary supplements.

Indications to use

Flowers of the Linden apply as sudorific diuretic, expectorant and a microbicide at catarrhal diseases.

Also Linden flowers in the form of rinsings apply at an ulitis, stomatitis, quinsy or laryngitis.

Outwardly in the form of lotions lime color can be applied at hypostases, an inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes, rheumatism and gout.


The long time tea from flowers of the Linden is applied with care because of exciting action on nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Route of administration

Usually flowers of the Linden apply in the form of lime tea at catarrhal diseases, throat diseases, headaches, croupous pneumonia. Hot tea is usually had for the night.

Outwardly infusion from flowers of the Linden is applied to rinsings of a mouth and pharynx at an ulitis, stomatitis, quinsy and laryngitis. Infusion from flowers of the Linden is used for preparation of bathtubs at treatment of nervous diseases.

Quite often apply Linden flowers to weight loss. It is necessary to remember that Linden flowers – first of all an officinal grass, and it it is impossible to use without interruption long time.

Цветы липыLinden flowers for weight loss accept as independently, in the form of tea or the dry crushed lime color, and in combination with other officinal herbs, for example, a camomile and birch kidneys.

The prepared teas apply daily before meal.

Also the effect of use of colors of the Linden for weight loss increases if to apply medical infusions after a bath or a sauna.

Storage conditions

Linden flowers, as well as other vegetable drugs, release without medical recipe and store up to 3 years.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.