Gamma motor-neuron (scale (-radiation) + lat. motor – the Greek neuron setting in motion + – a nerve) – the neuron in front horns of a spinal cord innervating intrafusal (the performing functions of stretch receptors) muscle fibers.
The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.
Good appetite was always considered as a sign of good health. The correct operation of the mechanism which is responsible for the need for nutritious...
Section: Articles about healthAll of us, unfortunately, should face flu nearly an every year. It would seem, so frequent disease has to be studied already up and down, and each person, at least once by it had (and the number of such people in our country aims at 100%), a dolzha...
Section: Articles about healthTo look healthy and means well-groomed not only to be pleasant to people around, but also to feel strong, sure and taken place. Specialists in the field of cosmetology quite often note that not all women are able to look after face skin. Many women incorrectly apply cosmetics, ineptly use various procedures, without having exact information on their real influence and dividing numerous delusions about it. All this not the best...
Section: Articles about healthDietary supplements (dietary supplements) for the last decades were so thoroughly included into our life that, apparently, it is already impossible on...
Section: Articles about healthWe present to yours the TOP of the medicamentous means exerting the stimulating impact on a potentiality, i.e. on ability of the man to commission of sexual intercourse. At once it is necessary to tell that not always disturbances of erectile function can be eliminated with reception of t...
Section: Articles about healthFor the help to doctors in the choice of optimal solutions for treatment of various diseases the Cochrane scientific organization (Cochrane) conducts joint researches with representatives of scientific community around the world. The analysis of a series of the conducted researches of the drug Oscillococcinum® relating to group of cold remedies became one of the last methanolyses....
Section: Articles about healthVisit of doctors – business not the most pleasant, and many people do not hurry to undergo necessary planned inspections. Such behavior...
Section: Articles about healthIt is impossible to imagine human life in which there would be no plants. Practically in each apartment and any production room there are window plants, millions of people with pleasure are engaged in gardening and truck farming, many citizens пр...
Section: Articles about healthThe name of this disease precisely reflects the problem reason: it consists in the bra fastener pressure upon a certain zone of a back. At the same time one of vertebrae of chest department of a backbone is as if blocked and loses mobility, and the loading falling on it is distributed on the next vertebrae. At 70-80% of women local pains in a backbone point on which the fastener of the often put most on bra presses result....
Section: Articles about healthNeurosis is called pathology of a nervous system at which deviations in functioning of the highest nervous processes are observed. Nye...
Section: Articles about healthTransfusion of donor blood has almost century history. In spite of the fact that this procedure is quite usual for many people, process of blood donation is still surrounded with numerous myths. Today we aimed to discredit the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about healthEach person knows that fervescence is an illness sign. However too low temperature (hypothermia), especially also can demonstrate existence of diseases when it is observed long enough. Such state is dangerous that it, unlike fever, does not give a serious inconvenience: patients usually complain only of weakness, drowsiness, apathy. Sometimes the fever and a cryesthesia in extremities joins. Many people at similar symptoms...
Section: Articles about healthThe modern person not always manages to find housing in the environmentally friendly region and such work which would not do harm здо...
Section: Articles about healthBathing in broths of medical flowers and plants (phytobathtub) was eurysynusic since Cleopatra who is a good judge in all that concerns beauty and health. And today phytobathtubs is the simple and available means allowing not only to remove nervous N...
Section: Articles about healthThe healthy nutrition is the invariable principle of health and good health for long years of the woman. Nevertheless, in a diet at each stage of life there are the features allowing to support an organism by those substances which are most necessary for it at present. Eating according to them, the woman will be able to feel vigorous and strong, and also to adapt to changes in an organism so that they allowed it to lead active lifestyle at any age....
Section: Articles about healthSometimes it seems that modern society was divided into two camps: representatives of the first are sure that has to for contraception отвеч...
Section: Articles about healthThe chia plant, or the Spanish sage, is from South America. The indigenous people of the continent since ancient times used its seeds in food: small, but very nutritious kernels, in a form the reminding fasolina. Indians knew about useful properties of seeds of a chia, and applied...
Section: Articles about healthCold, puffiness of a nose, itch, the watering eyes - characteristic symptoms of the allergic rhinitis resulting from hit of allergens (pollen, house dust, hair of animals, etc.) on a mucous membrane of a nose. Unpleasant feelings often give trouble, serving as the reason of a headache, an acrimony, sleep disorders, and in certain cases and the states close to a depression. How to get rid of undesirable satellites of a disease if near at hand there are no antiallergic...
Section: Articles about healthThe advantage of swimming for the person is so high that this sport is not only the most popular, but also is widely applied in copper...
Section: SlideshowThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed by serious hormonal changes in an organism. Usually the menopause begins at the age of 50-55 years, but characteristics of this process are very individual. T...
Section: Articles about healthWomen quite often suffer from complexes concerning the sizes of the bust. Strangely enough, not too modest, and excessively curvy shapes become the reason of sincere discomfort sometimes. Except psychological problems, the big bust sometimes creates also quite notable malfunctions with health: his owner can feel muscular dorsodynias, feeling of constant fatigue and difficulty of breath. Over time excess loading leads to development of diseases позвоночн...
Section: Articles about healthThe majority of gynecologic diseases prove three main signs, each of which speaks about need to the visa...
Section: Articles about healthZone hypostases under eyes - very widespread problem giving to people is a lot of inconvenience. Hypodermic fabric in these parts has very loose structure and almost does not contain collagenic fibers. Besides, the skin covering подглазья constantly is exposed...
Section: Articles about healthBulimia and anorexia, are heavy deviations of a feeding behavior, become a cause of death of patients much more often than all other nervous breakdowns combined. In 60% of cases two illnesses accompany each other: patients feel horror before danger of set of excess weight and try to refuse as often as possible food, but periodically suffer from attacks of sudden hunger and an uncontrollable overeating. Each patient with anorexia and bulimia needs the help qualified пс...
Section: Articles about healthMilk and products of its processing by right occupy one of the main places in a diet of the modern person. They contain necessary...
Section: Articles about healthA little more than a century ago goat milk was a traditional food stuff of most of Russians. Unfortunately, today on tables of our compatriots it appears extremely seldom. The reason that the use of so useful product practically descended on...
Section: Articles about healthFor the last decades the diabetes mellitus of the second type became really world problem. The number of cases annually increases, and average age of patients for whom the illness is diagnosed, steadily decreases. Specialists consider that one of the main reasons for this trouble is disturbance of a diet. In other words, the huge number of people regularly overeats or excessively is fond of the products causing glucose exchange process failures....
Section: Articles about health