Haemoglobinuria medicinal (haemoglobinuria medicamentosa) – a haemoglobinuria which is caused by reception of some drugs (sulfanamide drugs, levomycetinum, antimalarial means etc.); it is most often noted at insufficiency of a glyukozo-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase in erythrocytes.
The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.
It is impossible to imagine human life in which there would be no plants. Practically in each apartment and any of productions...
Section: Articles about healthRun - one of the most available and effective ways to revitalize the organism. Knowing about its extraordinary advantage, each of us at least once tried to make jogs, but only the few made these occupations regular. In spite of the fact that in jogging (easy an ozdor...
Section: Articles about healthWe live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be healthy and successful. Products about which we will talk today are combined by the following circumstance: all of them are positioned as the most useful and the most suitable for inclusion in a morning meal. Unfortunately, it is not true: these 10 products do not suit for breakfasts at all....
Section: Articles about healthProofs of efficiency of Mildronate at treatment of coronary heart disease with stenocardia can be found in many publications to...
Section: Articles about healthThe majority of gynecologic diseases prove three main signs, each of which speaks about need of a visit to the gynecologist. Certainly, it is possible to establish the exact diagnosis only after inspection, but on the basis of some signs it is possible пр...
Section: Articles about healthNew year, wedding, birthday, office party – an occasion to drink at the Russian person will always be. How to reduce a negative impact of alcohol by an organism and to avoid a condition of strong intoxication? The most correct council – to refuse the use of alcoholic drinks. Council is true, but not always feasible. We offer several advice which will help you in cases when it is impossible to avoid alcohol intake....
Section: Articles about healthWhite teeth and the Hollywood smile – a dream of many people. Long time was considered that a plaque on teeth and change of their color – destiny of those...
Section: Articles about healthWhat will only not be thought up by persons interested to have a beautiful figure. Here the last innovation – for weight loss needs to be eaten greasy food. Let's understand whether there is at a fatty diet common sense....
Section: SlideshowYou are office worker, the driver, the fan of winter sports or do not think of life without bicycle? You lead a slow-moving life and you move on the city only on the car? You have no constant partner and you do not love the protected sex? Attention! You unambiguously are a potential target for prostatitis. It is not necessary to panic, it is necessary to work....
Section: Articles about healthBeauty shop – the place which is associated only with positive emotions: joy, pleasure, relaxation. One...
Section: Articles about healthAbout 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only at the first stage of equipment by these useful devices. Today practically in each house there is a computer (and often not one), and to constants...
Section: Articles about healthKidneys perform the most important function of clarification of blood from those products of metabolic processes which cannot be used by an organism for obtaining energy and construction of new cells. With the urine produced by kidneys from a body of the person the bulk of the toxins getting to it with food and water is removed. Normal functioning of kidneys provides removal from an organism of excess liquid and maintenance of optimum ionic balance. At emergence of failures in work of secretory system...
Section: Articles about healthPhysical activity is necessary for normal functioning of a human body. At a lack of the movement cease функц...
Section: Articles about healthAyurveda - the most ancient tselitelsky practice which came to us from India. It represents the doctrine about maintenance of physical, psychological and moral health of the person by means of the complex of procedures including a diet, cleaning of an organism, respiratory упр...
Section: Articles about healthVisit of doctors – business not the most pleasant, and many people do not hurry to undergo necessary planned inspections. Such behavior is extremely thoughtless and improvident. Our health is necessary not only to us: wellbeing of darlings, children, grandsons and aged parents directly depends on as far as we are vigorous and able-bodied. Therefore in time to be inspected – a duty of any modern person. Specialists consider that 7 regular surveys and di are especially necessary for women...
Section: Articles about healthStroke (acute disorder of cerebral circulation) – one of the most widespread neurologic diseases. Annually in the world...
Section: Articles about healthImpossibility to conceive the child – a trouble of many Russian families. During quite long time was considered that main "culprits" of troubles such are women. Modern physicians claim that the situation is different: about a half of failures at...
Section: Articles about healthHeart disease and blood vessels lead to disturbance of blood supply of bodies and fabrics that involves failures in their work, deterioration in health of the person, decrease in its working capacity and standard of living. Annually more than 17 million inhabitants of our planet perish from pathologies such....
Section: Articles about healthAny of us is not insured from a heavy illness of the loved one. Happens and so that someone from family members becomes lying бо...
Section: Articles about healthIt is difficult to revaluate importance of kidneys for an organism. These bodies not only perform work on purification of blood of decomposition products and removal of excess liquid. They are responsible also for production of some hormones necessary for normality maintenance...
Section: Articles about healthTraveling all over the world, many try to try the most exotic dishes of national cuisines. There is even a so-called gastronomic tourism which, according to gourmets, not only allows to receive new feelings, but also is capable to show life of other people from absolutely unexpected side....
Section: Articles about healthAll the known slogan "Protect Men!" arose not from scratch. In a sense, the nature created representatives of strong...
Section: Articles about healthThe pancreas performs two functions in a human body: release of enzymes without which digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and a producing hormones is impossible. The most important of them - insulin, is the main participant of carbohydrate metabolism, a normal...
Section: Articles about healthObesity is called a disease of 21 centuries, for the last 100 years the number of the people suffering from excess body weight considerably increased. Statistically, on Earth already about 1,5 billion corpulent people, and 500 million from them have the extreme degree of completeness negatively affecting quality and duration of their life. What served as the reason of growth of stout persons on the planet? How not to get to their ranks? Let's consider five main premises for increase in body weight in conditions современнос...
Section: Articles about healthTo look healthy and means well-groomed not only to be pleasant to people around, but also to feel strong, sure and taken place. To Spa...
Section: Articles about healthThe Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are plants or animals (as a rule, agricultural) to whose genotype purposeful changes were made. Opposition of supporters and opponents of inclusion of such organisms in foodstuff всег...
Section: Articles about healthThe nature does not stand stagnation and monotony. It is known that tissues of a human body atrophy if do not receive necessary loadings. It fully belongs also to a cerebral cortex: when it is not given full-time job, it begins to function worse. As a result memory decreases, the person becomes less bright, acquires information more slowly, hardly switches from one thought to another. There are problems at work, difficulties with communication and career development. These it is unpleasant...
Section: Articles about health