Main > Drugs> Tizalud


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 146 rub.

Tizalud is modern drug – a muscle relaxant of the central action.


Тизалуд является современным препаратом – миорелаксантом центрального действияActive ingredient of Tizalud is тизанидин. Its action is directed to reduction of a spasm and tone of skeletal muscles, decrease in their resistance at the movement. Pharmacological action of Tizalud is connected with oppression of spinal reflexes owing to reduction of release of exciting amino acids, at the same time drug does not influence neuromuscular bonds.

Tablets Tizalud are appointed at cricks of skeletal muscles against the background of certain neurologic diseases: degenerative changes of a spinal cord, strokes, multiple sclerosis, chronic myelipathies, and also in complex treatment of various damages of a backbone (cervical and lumbar syndromes, and also in the postoperative periods at hernias of intervertebral disks and osteoarthrites of a hip).

For achievement of therapeutic effect according to the instruction Tizalud appoint 2-4 mg 3 times a day. In the most hard cases additional reception – for the night is possible (also 2-4 mg). As a rule, the course of treatment is begun with the daily dose 6 mg divided into three receptions. Each 3-7 days gradually increase this dose by 2-4 mg. The dose of 12-24 mg a day, and maximum – 36 mg a day is considered optimum.

Тизалуд принимают независимо от режима приема пищи, запивая небольшим количеством воды

Responses and special instructions

Drug should be accepted irrespective of the meal mode, washing down with a small amount of water. At the beginning of a course of treatment Tizalud it is necessary to refrain whenever possible from control of vehicles and other types of activity demanding speed of reactions and high concentration of attention.

According to reviews of Tizaluda of patients and specialists neurologists drug possesses the proved clinical and therapeutic effectiveness, is well transferred by patients in most cases.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tizalud of a tablet 2 of mg of 30 pieces

146 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Tizalud of a tablet 4 of mg of 30 pieces

178 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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