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Backbone tomography

Проведение томографии позвоночникаBackbone tomography – detailed scanning and inspection of departments of a backbone.

Carry out a tomography computer and magnetic and resonant.

Computer tomography of a backbone

Data at a computer tomography are obtained by radiation of a backbone X-ray and the subsequent otsifrovaniye of the obtained data.

Preparing for inspection, the patient abstains from food – in 4 hours prior to a tomography of a backbone is it is impossible. Just before a tomography it is necessary to remove from himself metal objects (glasses, jewelry, prostheses, etc.). Those patients who are afraid of the closed space are recommended to accept soothing before inspection. At severe pains in spin it is possible to accept anesthetic.

During a backbone tomography the scanner of the tomograph moves around the patient and in the necessary foreshortenings does pictures.

After the first series of pictures is made, to the patient enter contrast and half an hour is watched reaction. If there are an itch, rash, there will be trouble breathing, the tomography of a backbone is not continued. If contrast did not cause an allergy, do the second series of pictures.

The result of the conducted examination represents pictures (tomograms) in which vertebrae are marked in white color, soft tissues – gray and cerebrospinal fluid – black. Besides, fabrics, various on density, also differ in the flowers.

The doctor recommends to make a backbone tomography for identification of the reasons of chronic and acute dorsodynias, assessment of a condition of a backbone before operation, diagnosing of cancer and a metastasis in intervertebral disks.

Magnetic and resonant tomography of a backbone

The magnetic and resonant tomography is considered safer for health since does not assume radiation: action of MR of the tomograph is based on the principle nuclear magnetic a resonance.

Магнитно-резонансная томография позвоночникаMRT is considered the most exact, perfect and sensitive method of inspection of a backbone.

To make a backbone tomography by a method of magnetic resonance the doctor considers necessary for assessment of a condition of a backbone in general, for detection of a disease of vertebral fabrics, postoperative changes of a backbone, a condition of intervertebral disks, an inflammation and pinching of nerves, back infections, the reason of dorsodynias, tumors in a spinal cord or a backbone, for definition of date of operation on a backbone.

The patient for inspection is placed in the capsule, in it there is an electromagnetic field, and under its action molecules in a body of the person are located as well as electromagnetic waves. After that begin scanning of a backbone by means of radio waves. The backbone tomography lasts no more than 20 minutes.

The magnetic and resonant tomography of a backbone considerably surpasses computer since with its help it is possible to obtain more detailed information: the backbone is looked through in several planes better soft tissues are visualized.

Tomography of cervical and lumbar departments of a backbone

The magnetic and resonant diagnostic method at inspection of cervical and lumbosacral departments is irreplaceable. These sites are most subject to emergence of various defects and the majority of the conducted examinations of a backbone are the share of them.

Now MR a tomography of cervical department of a backbone, also as well as a tomography of lumbar department of a backbone are in the first place in comparison with a computer tomography, a X-ray analysis.

The tomography of cervical department of a backbone is appointed at osteochondrosis, hernia and a protrusion of disks, a stenosis of the channel of a backbone, metastasises of cells at the level of cervical department, injuries, anomalies of development of cervical department (a syndrome of additional cervical edges, a short neck).

Tomography of lumbar department of a backbone the doctor appoints MR to take place at osteochondrosis of lumbar department, hernia and a protrusion, tumoral metastasises, hemangiomas in vertebrae, an epidural space, a spinal cord, at a stenosis of the vertebral channel, injuries.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.