Main > Food stuffs> Truffle


Truffle is a valuable underground mushroom from Tryufelev' family, one of the most known and expensive delicacies. There is a lot of kinds of truffle, but not all of them are edible, is among them even hazardous to health. To brag of fields of truffle, suitable for consumption, only Spain, Italy, France and even Russia can. At us the summer mushroom which, of course, is not so valuable as a mushroom winter, that is growing during a season grows. White and black truffles are most esteemed in the world for their taste and unusual aroma.

Гриб трюфель

Truffle extraordinary – on a usual mushroom to which we got used, with a hat and a leg looks, it is unlike. It resembles potatoes or other irregular shape a tuber with the outgrowths similar to warts more superficially. Such form most likely is also caused by the fact that the mushroom grows underground. Truffle fastens to roots of trees, than protects them from various diseases and helps them to extract water.

The mushroom disputes breeds, and a life cycle of truffle quite interestingly looks. Animals, in particular wild pigs, eat mushrooms (they find them on a smell and are even used as police dogs during a season of "hunting" for truffles), and their disputes come out with excrement, and thus get to the earth where continue the development.

Truffle happens yellowish, dark gray colors. If to cut mushroom pulp, it is possible to see thin light streaks.

On weight truffles happen different – from several grams to kilogram.

Advantage of truffle for the person

B1, B2, B3, C vitamins were found in truffles. It is considered that they can have the antioxidant and strengthening effect. In mushrooms pheromones therefore they are considered as strong aphrodisiacs were also found.

Mushrooms are advised is to women who expect a baby or nurse, to children and teenagers – their chemical composition allows to feel empowered, receive micronutrients, necessary for growth and working capacity.

There was a place to an unusual mushroom in cosmetology and medicine. It appears, juice of truffle it is possible to treat eye diseases.

In the cosmetic industry apply most often white truffle. Thanks to the increased maintenance of proteins and antioxidants the mushroom is used for production of the strengthening hair preparations bleaching and the smoothing face creams. The most known concern using these mushrooms for production of cosmetics is in Italy

Caloric content of truffle is comparable unless with the caloric content of vegetables and makes 24 calories.

As cook truffle

Mushrooms are combined with different products: meat, vegetables, seafood and even with fruit. Most often and use mushrooms – as addition to a main course. Just such way of giving of a mushroom will be ideal for those who watch food and the weight: considering truffle caloric content, it cannot be burdensome for a waist.

Cook truffle and separately, serve it in this case with wine or creamy sauce.

In French cuisine it is accepted to use truffle at preparation of dishes on the basis of eggs as the mushroom ideally supplements the products which do not have the bright smell or taste.

It is possible to cook truffle sauce. It is given usually to paste, cutlets.

Салат с трюфелями

It is necessary to handle with mushrooms when cooking with care – at long thermal treatment they lose the nutritious properties. Generally truffles and use crude, but can process previously. For example, more than 5 minutes it is impossible to keep truffles in an oven. Add mushrooms already to ready dishes just before giving that they did not manage to lose the aroma.

It is also important to know how truffle – is stored no more than 4 days in the refrigerator, in hermetically closed container.

Specialists recommend to store for bigger safety the mushroom cleared of the earth in rice which will not allow truffle to dry or, on the contrary, excessively to be humidified.

Harm of truffle

Only truffle can do to the person with an allergy to mushrooms harm.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.