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Removal of extensions

Процедура удаления растяжек лазеромPractically all women, with rare exception, are familiar with a problem of extensions. Most often extensions, or striya, appear as a result of hormonal reorganization of an organism: at long reception of hormonal drugs, in the pubertal period, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and also at various diseases of endocrine system. It becomes frequent the reason of emergence of extensions a sharp set and loss of weight. Especially the problem of removal of extensions on a stomach, hips, a breast and buttocks worries women.

Skin structure: how extensions are formed?

Extensions represent the cicatricial changes of skin resulting from microtraumas of elastic fibers. Better to understand the mechanism of formation of extensions, it is necessary to know a skin structure. In an integument there are three main layers: epidermis, derma and hypoderma (hypodermic cellulose).

Derma – the median layer representing connecting fabric. The derma between a hypoderma and epidermis is located, and its main cells are fibroplasts which produce the elastin and collagen which are responsible for elasticity, thickness and durability of skin. In addition to elastinovy and collagenic fibers in a derma also blood vessels, nerve terminations and enzymes are located lymphatic. Thus, it is possible to tell safely that the derma is a framework of skin, and the condition of skin of the person in many respects depends on its state.

Skin of a slope to become thinner and lose elasticity under the influence of various factors (fluctuation of weight, nervous tension, hormonal fluctuations, etc.) that quite often leads to emergence of internal microruptures of elastinovy and collagenic fibers. In places of a gap fibroplasts begin to produce strenuously collagen and if it does not occur, then in the place of a gap the hem, i.e. an extension is formed.

Initially extensions have bright red or blue color (as a result of hemorrhage of vessels), but 1-1,5 later they become faded, and cicatricial fabric completely atrophies.

Methods of removal of extensions

Today all main methods of removal of extensions share on:

  • peelings and grindings;
  • surgical methods;
  • physical therapy;
  • fermentoterapiya and pharmacotherapy;
  • injection therapy.

All these methods, except for surgical removal of extensions the laser or a scalpel, are directed to activation of work of fibroplasts and increase in production of the collagen necessary for recovery of the destroyed derma cells. Also these methods apply to improvement of cellular exchange, microcirculation and food of fabrics by vitamins and microelements.

Methods of a peeling and grinding are directed to alignment of color and a relief between healthy skin and a hem. Not bad these methods for removal of extensions after the delivery help. Mechanical grinding of striya (microdermabrasion) means layer-by-layer elimination of upper layers of epidermis by means of influence of solid particles (diamond grinding, aluminum crystals). It stimulates synthesis of collagen and promotes improvement of microcirculation and updating of skin.

Removal of extensions the laser (laser grinding) by means of the carbon dioxide or erbium laser has effect of ablation, i.e. promotes evaporation of horn cells from the surface of skin. It stimulates regeneration processes. Perfectly laser grinding is suitable for removal of extensions on a stomach, hips, buttocks and other body parts.

Surgical methods of removal of extensions after the delivery mean hem depletion by means of the laser or a scalpel then edges of a hem raise and put a beautiful cosmetic stitch. Thus, hems become less noticeable.

One more effective method of removal of extensions, according to reviews, is the subtsiziya – the procedure of subsection of tyazhy connecting fabric a special needle therefore the bottom of a hem rises up, leveling a skin relief.

Today the procedure of a fractional thermolysis which influence is directed directly to a derma enjoys the increasing popularity and stimulates the strengthened production of collagen.

According to reviews, removal of extensions has quite good effect by means of use of a peeling (chemical or ANA-acids). During the procedure of a peeling there is a peeling of old cells of epidermis and formation of a new layer of fabric by means of a controlled burn. As a result the relief is leveled and there is an updating of skin. The peeling can be superficial, median or deep. At a deep peeling influence happens not only on epidermis, but also on a derma.

Physiotherapeutic methods are directed to improvement of a normal trophicity of fabrics. For this purpose apply ультрафонофорез, microcurrent therapy, mechanovacuum therapy in a combination with various cosmetic or medicines. Positive takes for removal of extensions on a stomach and other parts of a body after cryomassage using liquid nitrogen are noted.

It is possible to refer ozonotherapy, a mesotherapy, carboxytherapy to injection methods of removal of extensions. The essence of all these methods consists in introduction under skin of special structures which make positive impact on a derma, sating it with useful microelements and stimulating blood circulation.До и после удаления растяжек

The procedure of a mesotherapy consists in introduction under skin of the special cocktails consisting of minerals, vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants and collagen. At ozonotherapy into problem sites of skin enter ozonokislorodny mix, and at carboxytherapy the medical carbon dioxide promoting vasodilatation and stimulation of blood circulation is entered. These methods are quite effective for removal of extensions after the delivery, especially if they are fresh.

The pharmacotherapy is the most ineffective method of removal of extensions, according to reviews. Various creams, ointments and other cosmetics from extensions are designed to exert beneficial influence on formation of connecting fabric, on increase in elasticity of skin and its moistening.

Choice of an optimum method of removal of extensions

Most of specialists agree in opinion that absolutely it is impossible to remove extensions and to return to skin an initial state. But in their forces to make striya and hems as less as possible noticeable for a human eye. Here the large role is played by age of extensions. So, the they are "younger", the bigger potential at skin for recovery.

In case of single extensions as prevention use of creams and ointments, various massages and wrappings with seaweed can help. For removal of extensions after the delivery, absolutely still fresh, having red-blue color, preferential use all arsenal of physical therapy, and also grinding, a peeling, a fermentoterapiya.

It is possible to remove old colourless hems, to be exact, a little to correct, only by means of a surgical method. It is also possible to use method of removal of extensions the laser.

That correction of extensions was successful, specialists, as a rule, apply alternation of various methods, considering at the same time age of extensions, age of the patient and other factors.

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