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Removal of hems

The procedure of removal of hems is generally carried out because they do not disappear over time, and in a varying degree represent cosmetic defect.

Удаление рубцов - отзывы и советыThe hem is the dense connecting education arising owing to an angenesis after an inflammation or damage. For example, hems appear on skin after healing of wounds, in a myocardium – after a heart attack, in a duodenum – after an ulcer.

The choice of a method of removal of hems depends both on their type, and on that how long ago they appeared.

Types of hems and reason of their emergence

Dermatologists and cosmetologists constantly face need of removal of postoperative hems. Besides, growth of connecting fabric is probable after injuries or burns, and also as a result of some acute and chronic skin diseases, such as acne rash or chicken pox. At first hems have a reddish shade, and afterwards are depigmented. The characteristic of hems depends on the following factors:

  • Localization and depth of a wound;
  • Incorrect treatment of damage;
  • Disbolism (atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypovitaminosis);
  • Age (hems at adults are noticeable less, than at children and teenagers);
  • Specific features (the wrong scarring meets at red-haired and black people more often);
  • Genetic predisposition.

X-ray and ultraviolet radiation, and also infection of a wound also exert impact on formation of hems.

The way of removal of hems can depend on type of formation of this defect. Hypertrophic, or keloid cicatrixes, act over an integument as a result of excess production of collagen and formation of a large amount of fabric. Elastin is almost not involved in this process. In the field of a hem darkening of skin, an itch and pain are noted. After appropriate treatment and recovery of a corneous layer of skin the hem is leveled and gets a natural shade.

Removal of hems of atrophic type also helps to get rid of a serious cosmetic shortcoming. At this type of scarring the opposite picture is observed – defect is lower than the level of skin, has pale color and a hyposensitivity. After various skin diseases, for example cystous eels, there are sites where the derma becomes thinner and almost completely there is no hypodermic fatty tissue. In these parts there are impressions.

Scarring in the form of craters or poles is most characteristic of an acne and chicken pox. Leads insufficient formation of fabric under a skin layer which was destroyed by rash to formation of the "chopped-off" hems. Expressiveness of defect depends on a stage and weight of the postponed inflammatory processes.

As a result of a natural wound repair thin white hems are sometimes formed. They are not subject to traditional methods of treatment and can expand after grinding or stripping of an upper layer of a derma. At hypopigmentation, according to reviews, with success apply silicone plates by means of which create air hunger to removal of hems and by that reduce collagen synthesis.

After small damages, for example slight burns or acne rash, skin can get a brown or crimson shade. The hyperpegmentation results from excess production of melanin and is capable to remain throughout the long period.

If fabric expands without disturbance of integrity of skin, then probably the cicatricial atrophy takes place. The polosovidny atrophy of skin is its example. Formation of striya, or extensions, usually happens at sharp increase in body weight, and also during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Methods of removal of hems

Most often as the reason of the address to the dermatologist serve postoperative hems which removal is the best way to get rid of the expressed traces of surgical intervention. There are following methods of correction:

  • Drug treatment;
  • Beeches therapies;
  • Mesotherapy;
  • Cryolysis;
  • Surgical excision;
  • Grinding.

Rassasyvaniya and to healing of hems various ointments which recover the broken blood circulation promote and accelerate an angenesis. Usually drugs combine with physical therapy.

Beeches therapies it is applied to removal of postoperative hems of hypertrophic type. Blankets are exposed to x-ray radiation therefore growth and deformation of cicatricial fabric stops.

Introduction under skin of small doses of various drugs at a mesotherapy influences small hems, and also allows to get rid of a nevus pigmentosus and small wrinkles.

The cryolysis liquid nitrogen freezes pathological fabrics, breaking life activity of cells. This method of removal of hems, according to specialists, has almost no contraindications and does not demand anesthesia.

Преимущества удаления рубцов лазеромSurgical excision is shown at small hems. After elimination of excess of connecting fabric put intradermal cosmetic stitches. The characteristic of a new hem depends on many factors, and it is possible to estimate final result of operation not earlier, than in 3 months.

Dermabrasion represents a mechanical way of grinding of skin for removal of hems of any complexity, including recently acquired. The procedure consists in removal of a blanket of a derma by means of a special set of mills. Dermabrasion cannot be carried out on sites with a difficult relief and thin skin, for example, in the field of a century.

The principle of removal of hems the laser consists in layer-by-layer grinding of old connecting fabric and stimulation of development of elastic and collagenic fibers. The most sparing is considered the erbium laser which is operating locally and not affecting healthy skin.

Many specialists prefer to carry out removal of hems by the laser owing to sensitivity and high precision of this method which is not allowing deep damage of fabrics.

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