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Мексика - родина натурального ванилинаHostesses from around the world use it for giving to baking of special aroma. Besides, vanillin is added to spirits and elite cognac as it helps to relax and remove stress.


Vanillin presents itself crystal powder in the form of white crystals without color, with the expressed aroma and smack of vanilla. Vanillin contains in such plant as vanilla, and also in many other plants, in particular, in cane sugar. There is a small amount of vanillin at a potato peel, the Peruvian balm, alcohol raw, a rosny incense, etc.

Now some forms of vanillin are one of the most expensive spices in the world. It is connected with many factors among which not the last place is taken by complexity of cultivation of vanilla. The plant it demands artificial pollination, and fruits are yielded only by a half of flowers. Besides, process of production of vanillin is quite labor-consuming and difficult. In insignificant quantities (1-3%) vanillin contains in vanilla in the form of a glycoside therefore its production is quite expensive. At the moment preferential produce synthetic substitute of vanilla, but as any substitute, it is not able to repeat completely all scale of delicate aroma of natural vanilla.

The homeland of natural vanillin is Mexico where the rod of orchids with fruits planifola Vanilla from which, actually and receive vanillin grows. At the moment this plant grows in rainforests worldwide. The main producer of natural vanillin is Madagascar. Fruits of vanilla collect still unripe when they have no characteristic smell of vanilla, and vanillin in them contains in a glycoside form. After collecting fruits maintain for several months, the vanilla smell does not appear yet.

World demand for vanillin is so high that producers are not able to develop required quantity from vanilla pods. Statistically, in 2001 the need for vanilla made 12 thousand tons whereas in the natural way it was made by only 1,8 thousand tons. Thus, it was necessary to learn to synthesize vanillin in the artificial way. For the first time artificial vanillin appeared in the 19th century.

Now it is widely applied in many industries: perfumery, cookery, in pharmaceutical production, the liqueur industry, etc.

Advantage of vanillin in cookery

Aroma of vanilla is very popular and eurysynusic by production of various food stuffs and drinks. In the modern food industry vanillin is generally applied to aromatization of products and also to disguise or soften undesirable smack of a product.

It is important to use vanillin in the correct proportions which depend on a consistence of a dish, time and a way of preparation. It is necessary to remember that in excessive quantities it gives to a dish bitterness.

Quite high and products to which it is usually added it is impossible to call caloric content at vanillin dietary. Often this powder is added to biscuits, cookies, chocolate, mousses and puddings, jelly, cottage cheese casseroles, bakery products. Besides, often it is used for improvement of tastes of tea, cocktails and other alcoholic or soft drinks.

Popular forms of vanillin

  • Crystal. Has a classical smell of vanilla, it is steady against heat treatment and can not lose a long time of the qualities, even at a temperature of 200-250 °C. It is very popular at production of flour candy stores and bakery products, by production of ice cream. In alcohol it is dissolved at a temperature of 20 °C, and in water – at 75 °C.
  • Powdery. In fact, it represents vanillin mix with the various strengthening additives on the basis of a dextrose, lactoses, maltodextrins, etc. Powdery vanillin, in comparison with crystal, smaller and perfectly is suitable for production of chocolate. Powder already at the room temperature has pronounced aroma, is easier dissolved in water and is more technological.
  • Liquid vanilla fragrances. These forms approach in case of need uses of vanillin in a liquid form. Liquid vanillin represents the crystal form dissolved in alcohol, triacetin, propylene glycol. Key parameters at dissolution of vanillin are temperature of solvent and its concentration. For example, propylene glycol is dissolved at high temperature – 180 °C therefore fragrances on its basis also have high thermal stability and are applied generally to preparation of dairy products, confectionery and drinks.

Structure and caloric content of vanillin

In 100 g of vanillin 12,65 g of carbohydrates, 0,06 g of proteins and 0,06 g of fats contain; vitamins: B2 (Riboflavinum), B3 or PP (Niacinum), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine).

Caloric content of vanillin makes 288 kcal on 100 g of a product.Калорийность ванилина - 288 ккал на 100 г

Useful properties of vanillin

The advantage of vanillin consists in its aroma, sweetish and soft. This aroma makes the weakening and calming impact on the person, removes irritation, subdues anger, removes feeling of alarm, concern and sleeplessness. Besides, it is possible to refer the help in treatment of some diseases to properties of vanillin, in particular, diseases of a nervous system.

It is important to know that vanilla, the key component of vanillin, is powerful anticarcinogen, antioxidant and antidepressant. For this reason useful property of vanillin is its ability to reduce pressure. It helps and at allergies, fevers, spasms, arthritises, isteriya and inflammatory processes. Its regular use stirs up activity of a brain and creative potential. Besides, the advantage of vanillin consists in digestion process normalization.


On an equal basis with advantage vanillin can do also harm to a human body. Allergic reactions to vanillin are most widespread. In particular, it concerns people who by the nature of activity constantly contact to it, for example, sorters and packers of powder.

At the person the individual intolerance which is shown as irritation on skin, sometimes up to eczema or contact dermatitis can sometimes be observed.

According to some data, vanillin is entered in the list of dangerous substances of National institute of health care of America.

Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.