B1 vitamin

B1 vitamin concerns to group of water-soluble vitamins. For the first time it was allocated in 1910 to the Japanese scientists At. Suzuki. B1 vitamin is necessary for normal course of developments and growth, regulates functions of digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems, and also takes part in metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

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B1 vitamin is not laid in a human body for the future and therefore its stocks have to be replenished systematically. Does not possess toxic action since its surplus is easily removed outside with waste products. Comes to an organism with food and it is synthesized by microflora of a large intestine. Easily collapses at thermal treatment of food stuffs.

Biological role of B1 vitamin

B1 vitamin exerts the regulating impact on a nervous system. In addition takes active part in processes of water-salt, protein, carbohydrate, fatty and energy balance. The lack of B1 vitamin leads to accumulation in cells of muscular tissue of pyruvic and lactic acid that reduces synthesis of acetylcholine and breaks normal functioning of digestive and nervous systems.

B1 vitamin optimizes activity of a brain, improves memory, mental capacities and mood. Makes impact on growth, actively participates in hemopoiesis processes. Thanks to the antioxidant properties reduces a negative impact by a human body of various toxic substances, including alcohol and tobacco, slows down aging processes.

B1 vitamin supports a tone of muscles of the alimentary system, blood vessels, reduces displays of seasickness.

It is difficult to revaluate value of B1 vitamin for hair. At a lack of this vitamin hair begin to grow dull, become thinner and become very fragile. In addition a B1 vitamin hypovitaminosis quite often is one of the main reasons for emergence of dandruff.

Daily requirement

Daily the adult has to receive not less than 0,5 mg of B1 vitamin on each one thousand calories. During a disease or in the period of reconvalescence, at diseases of a thyroid gland and high exercise stresses the need for B1 vitamin considerably increases.

At reception of the oral contraceptives, antibiotics and medicines containing sulfur decrease in a B1 vitamin level organism is observed. In order that B1 vitamin could pass into the active form presence of enough magnesium is necessary.

B1 vitamin hypovitaminosis

The lack of B1 vitamin is shown by the following symptoms:

  • Irritability, tearfulness, increased fatigue, depression;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Chill;
  • Deterioration in coordination of movements;
  • Nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea;
  • Asthma at exercise stresses.

At considerable shortage of B1 vitamin (avitaminosis) the disease called by beriberi develops. It is shown by symptoms of defeat of a nervous system, emergence of paralyzes, an atrophy of muscles and the expressed cardiovascular insufficiency.

B1 vitamin overdose

Development of a hyper vitaminic state is usually not characteristic of this vitamin. However B1 vitamin in ampoules for injection introduction can lead to development of allergic reactions since in high doses it is capable to lead to development of nonspecific degranulation of mast cells.

Content of B1 vitamin in food stuffs

Sources of B1 vitamin are many products of plant and animal origin:

  • The bakery products and bread baked of coarse flour;
  • Grain (buckwheat, porridge, raw rice);
  • Seeds of a sunflower and nuts;
  • Asparagus, Brussels sprout, broccoli;
  • Soy, bean;
  • Oranges;
  • Currant, blueberry, wild strawberry, hips;
  • Prunes, plum, raisin;
  • Spinach, nettle, camomile, sorrel, clover, mint, parsley;
  • Meat and meat offal (brains, kidneys, liver);
  • Fish and seafood.

It is necessary to remember that under the influence of heat treatment the content of B1 vitamin in products decreases.

Витамин B1 в продуктах

B1 vitamin in ampoules

At insufficient receipt with food of B1 vitamin and development of symptoms of a hypovitaminosis or avitaminosis appoint administration of B1 vitamin in ampoules (injection). In addition indications to purpose of this vitamin are:

  • Diseases of cardiovascular system – endoarteritis, myocarditis, a chronic circulatory unefficiency;
  • Neurologic diseases – an astenovegetativny syndrome, flaccid paralyzes, polyneurites, neuritis;
  • Mental diseases – complex therapy of Alzheimer's disease, weak-mindedness, depressions, psychoses;
  • Diseases of the alimentary system – a peptic ulcer, gastritises, coloenterites, chronic pancreatitis, cirrhosis, a disease of the operated stomach.

It is difficult to revaluate value of B1 vitamin for hair and integuments. Therefore it found broad application in treatment of many dermatological diseases (seborrhea, psoriasis, a skin itch, a pyoderma).

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