B3 vitamin

General characteristic of B3 Vitamin

The B3 vitamin also known as Niacinum, is perfectly dissolved in water and acquired by an organism.

Two forms of Niacinum are known: niacin (contains in products of plant origin) and the niacinamide which is contained in animal products.

In an organism Niacinum can be synthesized from tryptophane – irreplaceable amino acid.

Витамин B3 в продуктах

Functions of B3 vitamin in an organism

One of the main destinations of B3 vitamin is its participation in energy development. With its help special enzymes which influence processes of transformation of energy of carbohydrates are formed.

Also B3 vitamin promotes control of content of glucose in blood. This property of vitamin is useful for what allows to spend measuredly an organism the received energy. So, at the moments of the most intensive exercise stresses also power consumption which B3 vitamin helps "to get" increases.

One more useful function of vitamin B an organism is its participation in synthesis of fatty acids which influence work and harmonious functioning of bodies of the alimentary system, improve appetite. Besides, ability of B3 vitamin to influence process of splitting of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and also to play an important role in secretion of a gastric juice, bile and in synthesis of red little bodies of blood is widely known. The last feature of vitamin makes him the great assistant in fight against various disturbances of blood circulation.

Niacinum makes favorable impact on cardiovascular and nervous systems, gives support to health of skin, mucous intestines, an oral cavity. Normal sight – a merit of B3 vitamin including.

There are data demanding, however, confirmations according to which Niacinum plays an important role in fight against development of cancer without allowing healthy cells to turn into cancer.

It is worth to remember also about participation of Niacinum in formation of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone – sex hormones.

Products with the high content of B3 vitamin

At deficit of Niacinum it is necessary to pay attention to the following food stuffs:

  • Beef liver, beef (content of B3 vitamin reaches 6,8 mg on 100 гр. product);
  • Cepes (to 2,7 mg);
  • Peas (to 2,2 mg);
  • Champignons (about 2,2 mg);
  • Peanut (about 1,76 mg);
  • Egg (to 1,3 mg);
  • Haricot (about 1,2 mg);
  • Wheat (about 1,1 mg);
  • Filbert (to 1,1 mg);
  • Pistachios (about 1,1 mg);
  • Oat flakes (to 0,9 mg);
  • Walnut (about 0,8 mg);
  • Chicken meat (about 0,8 mg);
  • Barley grits (about 0,7 mg);
  • Corn (no more than 0,6 mg).

Deficit of B3 vitamin

Shortage of Niacinum in an organism can cause serious failures in its work. It is possible to speak about deficit of B3 vitamin in the following cases:

  • At apathy, slackness, fatigue;
  • At a headache and dizzinesses;
  • At irritability;
  • At sleeplessness;
  • At a loss of appetite and falling of body weight;
  • At pallor and dryness of integuments;
  • At the increased heartbeat;
  • At locks;
  • At decrease in body resistance to various infections.

Long shortage of Niacinum quite often is the reason of development of a pellagra – a disease which symptoms are:

  • Emergence of heartburn and eructation;
  • Ponosa which frequency reaches from 3 to 5 times a day and more;
  • Heavy feeling in a stomach, a loss of appetite;
  • The increased salivation, burning in an oral cavity;
  • Emergence of puffiness of lips, education of cracks on them;
  • Formation of cracks in language;
  • Emergence of red spots on a face, a neck, hands, elbows;
  • Feeling of sudden weakness, headaches, sonitus;
  • Emergence of shaky gait;
  • Increase in the ABP;
  • Emergence of feelings of goosebumps, numbness.

The reasons of formation of shortage of B3 vitamin in an organism

Shortage of B3 vitamin is, as a rule, observed at people of old age. Decrease in level and speed of metabolism, reduction of ability of an organism to absorb the nutrients which are contained in food is the reason for that.

Besides, in certain cases, excepting above described, deficit of vitamin B an organism is observed. Treat risk groups of shortage of Niacinum:

  • The feeding period a breast or pregnancies at women;
  • The people inclined to alcohol overconsumption using narcotic substances;
  • Adherents of diets in which consumption of calories and, as a result, nutrients is limited;
  • The people who are in stressful situations or subject to stresses;
  • The patients having diseases of chronic character (among them there is pancreatitis, malignant tumors, cirrhosis, etc.);
  • Patients with disbolism of inborn character.

Excess of B3 vitamin

On the other hand, overconsumption of the products rich with Niacinum is capable to form excess of B3 vitamin in an organism. Symptoms its are as follows:

  • Emergence of skin rash, itch;
  • Heartburn, vomiting, nausea;
  • Preunconscious states, faints;
  • Gastric disturbance;
  • Sight Zatumanennost;
  • Headaches;
  • Yellowing of skin, whites of the eyes;
  • Darkening of a chair and/or urine.
Белые грибы - источник витамина B3

The recommended daily dose of B3 vitamin

The need of an organism for Niacinum changes together with age therefore it is necessary to know, recommended to WHO what dosages for this or that age category:

  • Babies from the birth before half a year should accept up to 2 mg of vitamin B days;
  • To children, whose age makes from 7 to 12 months – 4 mg a day;
  • To kids of a year to three – from 6 mg a day;
  • From 4 to 8 years – on 8 mg a day;
  • The dosage in 12 mg a day is recommended to children from 9 to 13 years;
  • To teenagers, whose age from 14 to 18 years, - on 16 mg a day (for girls) and on 14 mg a day (for young men);
  • The adult 19 years are more senior it is recommended: to women – on 16 mg a day, to men – on 14 mg a day;
  • Women of any age during pregnancy should accept 18 mg of Niacinum a day;
  • To women during feeding by a breast, regardless of their age, - on 17 mg a day.

It must be kept in mind that the B3 vitamin dosages described above are the minimum recommended dosages.

How to store products with B3 vitamin

Quite often products demands certain storage conditions in order that the vitamins which are contained in them reached the consumer in an integrity and safety. In this sense Niacinum has fine quality: high resistance to the changing environmental conditions. So, products with B3 vitamin are capable to be stored, sustain long drying, freezing, impact of a sunlight, acids and alkalis. However thermal treatment (cooking, frying of products) is capable to reduce the content of B3 vitamin by 5-40% of initial.

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