Vitamin D

Vitamin D or ergocalciferol concerns to group of fat-soluble vitamins, is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays in fabrics of plants and animals of sterols. Vitamin is dissolved in organic compounds and fats, but has no ability to be dissolved in water.

Содержание витамина D в продуктах

Treat vitamins of group D:

  • D2 vitamin – the ergocalciferol received from yeast; its provitamin is ergosterol;
  • D3 vitamin – the cholecalciferol emitted from tissues of animals; its provitamin is considered 7-degidrokholesterin;
  • D4 vitamin – 22, 23-dihydro-ergocalciferol;
  • The D5 vitamin emitted from wheat oils; ситокальциферол (24 ethylcholecalciferol);
  • D6 vitamin – a stigma calciferol (22 dihydroethylcalciferol).

Today two connections – cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol (D2 and D3) are considered as vitamin D. Activity of drugs on the basis of vitamin is expressed in ME – the international units.

1 ME contains 0, 025 mkg of vitamin D in chemically pure look.

Vitamin D sources

Production of vitamin D in an organism is carried out from provitamins, postupayemy in an organism in finished form from products or formed from холестеринапод influence of ultraviolet rays.

If skin of the person receives enough ultraviolet, his need for vitamin D is compensated with interest. Nevertheless, vitamin D also contains in products: an egg yolk, fish oil, sour-milk products, however, consumption of one food sources cannot guarantee a full covering of needs of our organism for vitamin D.

Vitamin D in products:

  • Herring (400-1500 ME/100 гр.);
  • Pork liver (40-50 ME/100 гр.);
  • Beef liver (40-50 ME/100 гр.);
  • Butter (10-150 ME/100 гр.);
  • Egg yolk (50-400 ME/100 гр.).

Effect of vitamin D

The main function which is carried out by vitamin – ensuring full absorption of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, necessary for normal development of bone system. This substance promotes sufficient adjournment of calcium in dentine and bones, performing prevention of emergence of osteoporosis and rickets, interfering with a softening (osteomalacy) of bones.

The vitamin D role is not limited to protection of bones: he increases immunity, prevents weakness of muscles, provides normal coagulability of blood and functioning of a thyroid gland. Improving mineral exchange, vitamin D takes part in recovery of the protective covers surrounding nerves, being included, thus, complex therapy and prevention of multiple sclerosis.

Besides, vitamin D effectively regulates heartbeat and arterial pressure, including, at pregnant women, interferes with growth of cancer cells. At external use of D3 vitamin it is possible to reduce the characteristic of psoriasis expressed scaliness of skin.

Need for vitamin D

The main source of vitamin D is the sun. For full satisfaction of need of an organism for vitamin D 15-20 minutes a day under the influence of solar ultraviolet – especially in morning and sunset hours are enough to be. Nevertheless, the winter span, smoke of the atmosphere and the expressed suntan can reduce production of vitamin B an organism. The same can be told about elderly people whose organism loses ability to synthesize vitamin D from provitamins twice and about those who prefer to adhere to various diets and eats insignificant amount of fats.

The need for vitamin D makes:

  • At newborn full-term children – 500-700 ME/days;
  • At newborns with a body weight less than 2500 – 1000-1400 ME/days;
  • At children of 5-12 years – 400-500 ME/days;
  • At teenagers – 500-600 ME/days;
  • At adults of 20-50 years – 300-400 ME/days;
  • At pregnant women and the feeding women – 600-800 ME/days;
  • At elderly people – 600-800 ME/days.

Hypovitaminosis symptoms

The lack of vitamin D becomes the reason of osteomalacy and emergence of rickets – diseases of the bone system which is characterized by disturbance of formation of bones. In easier forms symptoms of deficit of vitamin D the following:

  • Burning sensation in a throat and in a mouth;
  • Weight reduction, appetite loss;
  • Deterioration in sight;
  • Sleeplessness.
  • Lack of vitamin D (avitaminosis);
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Osteomalacy;
  • Fractures of bones;
  • Hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia;
  • Osteodystrophy of renal genesis;
  • Hypoparathyrosis, including – complicated by osteomalacy;
  • Lupus erythematosus;
  • Chronic gastritis;
  • Chronic enteritis;
  • Chronic pancreatitis;
  • The coloenteritis complicated by osteoporosis;
  • Tuberculosis.

Indications to vitamin D reception

Additional reception of vitamin D is reasonable at caries and disturbances in development of teeth, psoriasis, a spasmophilia, pollinoses, hemorrhagic diathesis, in a postmenopause, and also for increase in immune properties of an organism. Reception of vitamin D is reasonable at the pregnancy proceeding in an autumn and winter span and treatment by glucocorticoid drugs.

Besides, the preventive use of vitamin can be required by the people living and working behind the Polar circle, to the staff of the subway, miners.

Сельдь - один из основных источников витамина D

Hypervitaminosis symptoms

Use of inadequate doses of vitamin D can lead to the following states:

  • Sharp head, muscular pains, joint pains;
  • Increase in the ABP;
  • Appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, weakness, disturbances of a chair;
  • Fever, the complicated breath, increase in pulse.

Chronic poisoning with vitamin D can cause such symptoms as:

  • Emergence of osteoporosis, demineralization of bones, rassasyvany stromas;
  • Calcification of vessels and valves of heart;
  • The adjournment of salts of calcium in intestines, lungs, kidneys leading to disturbances in work of data of bodies.


Reception of vitamin D along with giperlipidemichesky means is recommended to be stopped as the drugs lowering cholesterol level in blood are capable to break its absorption.

Absorption of vitamin D is interfered also by mineral purgatives, steroid hormones, antacids, dipheninum and barbiturates.

Reception of vitamin D reduces activity of cardiac glycosides, and considerable doses of vitamin can result in deficit of iron in an organism.

Full metabolism of vitamin D in a liver is impossible at a lack of vitamin E.

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