Vitamin F

Vitamin F. General characteristic

Vitamin F represents a complex which includes unsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic, arachidonic (both belong to the Omega-6 to fatty acids) and linolenic (Omega-3). Besides, dokozageksayenovy and eykozapentayenovy acids are a part of vitamin.

Витамин F - комплекс ненасыщенных жирных кислот

Vitamin F concerns to group of fat-soluble vitamins. It gets to an organism together with food stuffs, and also through skin, as a part of ointments and creams with vitamin F.

Vitamin F and its functions in an organism

In an organism polyunsaturated fatty acids collect, generally in kidneys, heart, a brain, blood, a liver, muscles. After there was an absorption through an intestines wall, vitamin is brought to the above-named bodies where performs the functions:

  • Takes part in synthesis of the fats produced in an organism;
  • Participates in cholesterol metabolism;
  • Is one of the elements rendering antihistaminic and antiinflammatory effects;
  • Takes part in a spermatogenesis;
  • Participates in synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • Ensures functioning of immune system of an organism;
  • Influences the speed of healing of wounds;
  • Along with vitamin D promotes adjournment of phosphorus and calcium in bones.

Being a structural element of a membrane of cells, vitamin F participates in protection of a cell against pathogenic influences of the environment, preventing its transformation to cancer.

One of vitamin components – linolenic acid – takes part in formation of elements which reduce coagulability of blood, interfere with pasting of thrombocytes and normalizes the ABP that allows to reduce probability of developing of a stroke and heart attack.

Having ability to kill pain, puffiness and to improve outflow of a lymph, vitamin F plays a significant role at elimination of inflammatory processes in an organism.

Efficiency of vitamin at fight against development of atherosclerosis is known. This ability is connected with properties of unsaturated fatty acids to influence normalization of a lipometabolism and to accelerate removal of excess cholesterol from an organism.

Use of cream with vitamin F is capable to improve considerably outward of skin and hair as vitamin is an excellent nutritious element.

Content of vitamin F in products

Vegetable oils belong to the main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids: soy, linen, corn, sunflower, nut, olive and some other, and also fat of animal origin.

Besides, the content of vitamin F in products of the following categories is high:

  • Salmon, herring, mackerel and other species of sea fish;
  • Dried fruit;
  • Sunflower seeds, peanut, walnuts, almonds;
  • Bean, soy;
  • Avocado;
  • Blackcurrant;
  • Porridge;
  • Germinated grains.

Shortage of vitamin F in an organism

Deficit of vitamin F is dangerous to an organism therefore it is important to prevent its development. It is necessary to pay attention to the first signs of its shortage:

  • Emergence of various inflammations;
  • Emergence of allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, an itch, dacryagogue, cold;
  • Emergence of obstruction of sebaceous glands on skin (time), as a result – developing of spots and eels;
  • Xeroderma.

Danger of shortage of vitamin F also that work of cardiovascular system and kidneys is broken. At long deficit of vitamin the risk of development of a heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke increases.

Avitaminosis at children is expressed in lack of a normal increase in the weight, low growth rate, emergence of peelings on skin.

Also considerably the condition of skin and hair worsens: there is a dryness, negligence in outward.

Excess of vitamin F

Dangerously and the use of vitamin F in high doses that, however, meets much less often. Overconsumption of unsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic and linolenic, leads to allergic reactions, emergence of gripes in a stomach and heartburn. The long overdose is capable to cause bleedings since viscosity of blood considerably decreases.

Standard daily rate of vitamin F

The unsaturated fatty acids which are a part of vitamin are not reproduced an organism, because it is important to watch that the necessary quantity came to an organism daily. In spite of the fact that accurate the recommendation concerning a dosage does not exist, in many countries the norm of 1% of the daily need of an organism for calories is accepted (which differs depending on age, weight, a floor and other indicators). So, the average number in 1000 mg of vitamin F is given. Such amount of substance contains about 30 mg of vegetable oil (that corresponds to two tablespoons). However to persons with the increased cholesterol level in blood, and also that who suffers from excess body weight it is recommended to increase a dosage by 10 times.

Also daily dose of vitamin F can be increased at intensive exercise stresses. At high-speed and power loading it is necessary to use not less than 5-6 g of unsaturated fatty acids in days of trainings and on 7-8 g during the periods of competitions. At the occupations aimed at the development of endurance of a body, the dosage is increased to 7-9 g a day in training days and to 10-12 g in days of competitions.

The dosage of vitamin F is recommended to be increased to the patients who are receiving medical treatment skin diseases, a diabetes mellitus, prostatitis and also during the period before organ transplantation.

Besides, it must be kept in mind that the structure of the eaten food directly influences comprehensibility of vitamin F. In particular, it decreases in proportion to amount of the eaten carbohydrates. The matter is that carbohydrates represent a peculiar sponge which in intestines absorbs vitamin F.

How to store the products containing vitamin F

At storage of the products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids it must be kept in mind that the complex is very sensitive to influence of high temperatures. It concerns also a way of production: buying oil, it is important to choose what was received by a cold extraction.

The sunlight is also pernicious for vitamin F in products. Oils should be stored in the dark place with a low temperature.

Содержание витамина F в продуктах

Vitamin F and other substances

It is considered that vitamins E, B6, and also ascorbic acid promotes deduction of a complex of unsaturated fatty acids in an organism.

Stability of fatty acids is provided by zinc ions.

Vitamin F helps to be acquired to vitamins D, A, E, B.

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