Main > Drugs> Spurge


Волчье лыко – многолетний ядовитый кустарникSpurge (a daphne, a daphne ordinary, a daphne deadly) – a long-term poisonous bush of family of Volchnikov.

In wild conditions the bush usually does not exceed in height of 1 m. However, during creation to it favorable conditions, it can grow to 2,5 m in height.

In the spring bush stalks naked, and on branches are dismissed spurge flowers. They are located in bosoms of the leaves which remained from last year. In each bosom three flowers of a spurge are located.

Daphne – the only bush in our corner of the world which blossoms before emergence of leaves. Flowers of a spurge of pink color, by outward remind a lilac, have very pleasant aroma (similar to aroma of a hyacinth).

The trunk and branches of a daphne have a gray-brown color. Leaves of an ovoid form. Berries of a spurge of light-red color, also ovoid form.

The daphne beautifully blossoms from February till end of March. In Russia a bush blooming period – April-May. The daphne loves places where there is not enough light, and the soil – with a large amount of nutrients. Preferential grows on forest edges or in a bottomland forest.

The bush is widespread in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Caucasus and in the European part of Russia.

Chemical composition

All parts of a bush contain toxic agents – a glycoside дафрин (leads to bystry bleeding) and pitch мезерин (causes a gastric disturbance, and on skin reddenings and blisters appear).

Flowers of a spurge contain the fat oil which is actively operating on skin, the benzoic acid, sitosterol, flavonoids and coumarins, daphnin, daphnetin, hydroxycoumarins.

Bark of a plant contains wax, pitches and dyes.

Berries of a spurge are a source of the painting and bitter substances, essential oil, a kokkognin and fat.

Use in medicine

Ягоды волчьего лыкаDrugs of a daphne ordinary render analgeziruyushchy, somnolent, laxative and antiepileptic action on a human body.

Spurge it is necessary to approach treatment carefully. A daphne – very noxious plant therefore you should not accept it without the permission of the doctor.

Infusions from a daphne apply outwardly at radiculitis, a sciatica, neuralgia and tumors. In certain cases broth or tincture on the basis of a plant are applied at colds, quinsy, jaundice and dysentery.

At a dentagra the daphne has soothing effect.

Symptoms of poisoning

It is enough to person to eat several berries of a spurge, and he will die.

Symptoms of poisoning following:

  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • urine with blood;
  • the increased salivation.

Death is caused by a cardiac standstill.

In case of manifestation of symptoms of poisoning it is necessary to take the following measures as soon as possible: to wash out a stomach and to enter a liquid paraffin. In case of poisoning with a daphne it is impossible to accept laxative at all. A main goal at poisoning is elimination of irritation of mucous membranes of a digestive tract. For this purpose got poisoned it is necessary to allow to take pieces of ice in a mouth, mucous to grease with Dicainum, and to inside allow to accept anaesthesin.


It is necessary to apply a daphne, strictly observing dosages. Treatment by a spurge is categorically contraindicated to children.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.