Application instruction:
Viprosal B – means with local analgeziruyushchy and irritant action.
Dosage form of drug – ointment for external use of yellow color, white or white with a subtle shade, with a smell of turpentine or camphor (a tuba aluminum on 30 or 50 g, in a cardboard pack – 1 piece).
Content of active components in 1 g of ointment:
Excipients: vaseline medical, emulsifier, hard paraffins, the glycerin distilled sodium chloride, the water purified.
Contraindications to use of Viprosal B are:
Ointment is applied a thin layer on painful body parts and the easy movements rubbed in skin.
The single dose – 5-10 g, the procedure is recommended to carry out 1-2 times a day, depending on a pain syndrome.
The treatment period – 10 days.
After use of drug it is recommended to wash up hands carefully.
Sometimes use of Viprosal B causes development of allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, an itch. The side effect disappears after ointment cancellation.
Not to allow hit of ointment on the open wound surfaces and mucous membranes of a body, including eye.
In case of side reactions it is necessary to stop use of means.
The decision on need of use of ointment at children is made individually.
Data on medicinal interaction of drug are absent.
To store in the cool place. To protect from children.
Period of validity – 2 years.
Name of drug
Viprosal In ointment of 0.1% 30 g, the Tallinn Federal Law
300 rub.
Viprosal In ointment of 0.1% 50 g, the Tallinn Federal Law
395 rub.
In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.
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Section: Articles about health