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Gold root

Золотой корень (родиола розовая)Gold root (a rhodiola pink) – the perennial herbaceous plant belonging to family the Houseleek family to the sort Rhodiola.

Description of a gold root

The plant root, thick and fleshy, has pleasant bronze-golden color what it also received the name for. Stalks are upright, not branchy, in height reach 40 cm.

Leaves of ovoid oblong shape, next, wedge-shaped at the basis. In an upper part the sheet edge palmate and gear.

The inflorescence is corymbose, multiflowered, with small same-sex flowers of yellow or greenish color.

Fruits of a plant have the form of the upright leaflet of a greenish shade. Fruits of brownish color meet. Reach in length of 8 mm, on a top have a short nose.

The gold root from June to July blossoms, fruits ripen in September.

The rhodiola loves humidity, and to light and heat is unpretentious.

Meets in the Urals, in polar Yakutia, in the Carpathians, in mountains of Southern and Eastern Siberia, in Mountains Altai and in the Far East.

Grows on stony scatterings and slopes, on coast of the mountain rivers, in the Alpine and subalpine belts.

The rhodiola pink is included in the Red List as an endangered species.

History of use of a gold root

The first reviews of a gold root and its medicinal properties were found in Pedaniya Dioskrid's records – the ancient Roman pharmacologist and the doctor.

On Tibet believed that the person who will find a plant will live two centuries in happiness and health. Chinese were sure that the rhodiola prolongs life.

Today do the tea having tonic effect of a plant.

The gold root in the medical purposes found broad application. Collect rhizomes during fructification and dry in dry rooms or dryers at a temperature of 60 °C.

Chemical composition

The root of a plant contains tannins, a glycoside радиолозид, carbohydrates (glucose and sucrose), тирозол, acids (amber, gallic, apple, oxalic, lemon), lactones, flavanols (meletin, isomeletin, hyper azide, кемпферол), sterols, lipids, antraglikozida, essential oils.

Medicinal properties of a gold root

Numerous positive reviews about a gold root are not left by doubts in its useful properties.

Do broths and lotions which apply to treatment of trachoma of an elevated part of a plant.

Rhizomes of a rhodiola apply to treatment of diseases of digestive tract, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases and a pulmonary tuberculosis, at fractures of bones and also as febrifugal and fortifying means.

Экстракт золотого корняProperties of a gold root use at the inflamed wounds, abscesses, conjunctivitis, skin rashes. Rhodiola rhizome juice – fine wound healing means. Also juice of a rhizome is used for treatment of jaundice.

From roots of a plant prepare spirit extract which diseases of a nervous system treat. Extract has the stimulating and adaptogenny effect similar to drugs of a ginseng and an eleuterokokk. However it is necessary to take it with caution as it can cause increase in arterial pressure.

It is possible to refer ability to increase physical and intellectual effeciency, fight against a stress and overloads to useful properties of a gold root.


Reviews of a gold root demonstrate that it is necessary to avoid its use at a hypertension and the increased nervous irritability.

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