Main > Diseases> Dyshydrosis


Dyshydrosis – the specific pathology of integuments arising at critical obstruction of channels of sweat glands. The dyshydrosis in each case can be classified as a separate disease or as a sign of other skin disease. The most common forms of a disease are the dyshydrosis of feet and a dyshydrosis of hands. The etiology of this disease state is still unknown.Дисгидроз - закупорка протоков потовых желез

Reasons and symptoms of a dyshydrosis

The dyshydrosis can be shown in the form of a true dyshydrosis of feet and hands or in the form of disgidrotichesky eczema.

At a true dyshydrosis of hands on palms bubbles appear. In bubbles transparent liquid contains. Bubbles with a dense cover can remain on integuments up to ten days. Almost all bubbles shrink over time and disappear. New bubbles at a true dyshydrosis are not formed (unlike disgidrotichesky eczema). The cover of separate bubbles can burst, and then all liquid which is contained inside pours out outside. On site the burst bubble the superficial erosion is usually formed. On the sites of skin affected with an erosion the itch and pain develops.

At a dyshydrosis of hands bubbles usually appear as on back, and the interior of hands.

Disgidrotichesky eczema can be shown owing to nervous shocks, the endured stress, a fright, nervousness. Allergic reactions, disorders of function of endocrine system, disturbance in functioning of a nervous system can be the cause of development of disgidrotichesky eczema. On skin there are hypostasis and small reddening, and then bubbles are formed. Bubbles appear on skin the isolated groups. In them serous liquid contains. The number of educations at a dyshydrosis of hands and feet in the form of eczema continuously increases. Disgidrotichesky eczema will badly respond to treatment. It is dangerous by unexpected aggravations. At an aggravation body temperature increases to 38 °C, lymph nodes under mice and in elbows inflame and increase. The patient complains of burning and a severe itch in the struck places. Hit in bubbles of pathogenic microorganisms brings to emergence of various inflammatory processes. Inflammatory processes usually are followed by allocation of purulent masses.

Development of a dyshydrosis can happen from one week to several months.

Treatment of a dyshydrosis

Treatment of a dyshydrosis has to be complex. At this disease the dermatologist can appoint acupuncture, laser therapy, cryotherapy, magnetotherapy, an electrosleep, an electrophoresis or a paraffin therapy.Парафинотерапия - один из методов лечения дисгидроза

Process of treatment of a dyshydrosis assumes reception of the anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic and hyposensibilizing medicines. At a severe disease the doctor can appoint glucocorticosteroid medicines together with diuretic drugs.

At small rashes it is possible to use various ointments with a sulfur content, tar, Naphthalanum, and also indifferent pastes and talkers. At an exacerbation of skin rashes lotions with solution of liquid of Burov, Aethacridinum, pyramidon, a lactate and Furacilin will help to facilitate disease state. At infection of bubbles it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

In the period of an aggravation of a dyshydrosis of feet and hands it is necessary to abstain from hydrotherapeutic procedures with use of cosmetics and soaps. It is also necessary to exclude contacts of affected areas with various chemicals, with a rain, snow, the sun, wind, and also with fur products, wool and synthetics.

At a dyshydrosis of feet and hands it is very useful to accept warm trays on grass broth with a celandine, a camomile, bark of an oak and a sage. Such trays affect skin very soothingly. They take off effects of an itch and have disinfecting effect. Trays should be accepted daily within twenty minutes.

Treatment of a dyshydrosis folk remedies

At a dyshydrosis the inflammation and an itch help to withdraw folk remedies. Horse-radish broth will help to facilitate a condition of integuments. For broth preparation four teaspoons of grated horse-radish fill in 500 ml of the boiling water and leave to infuse for two hours then cool. It is possible to wipe affected areas with broth of leaves of blackberry. Hundred grams of the crushed leaves of blackberry fill in with two liters of boiled water and allow to infuse. Wipe with ready broth affected areas. Lemon infusion perfectly will be suitable for lotions. Juice of one lemon is mixed with ovalbumin. Add a teaspoon of glycerin and hundred grams of any cologne to the received mix. All carefully mix and apply on affected areas.

At a dyshydrosis of the place of rashes and reddenings it is possible to oil sea-buckthorn several times a day.

It is possible to grease affected areas with blackcurrant ointment. 200 grams of butter mix with the blackcurrant branches pounded to powder. The received mix is put on the water bath for five minutes.

At a dyshydrosis it is possible to foment with Tinctura Eucalypti. Four tablespoons fill in 500 ml of boiled water, put on slow fire, bring to boiling and boil about an hour more on slow fire. The received mix is filtered and used in the form of lotions.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.