Erosion of a stomach or erosive damage of a mucous membrane of body – one of the most widespread gastroduodenal diseases. It represents defect of surface tissues of stomach without involvement in process of a muscular layer of body.
The stomach erosion in combination with defect of a mucous duodenum is diagnosed for 10-15% of the patients who underwent endoscopic inspection of a GIT. The disease was for the first time described by the Italian pathologist Giovanni Morganyi in the 1756th year.
Disturbances of balance between protective and aggressive factors of the gastric environment are considered as the reason of an erosion of a stomach. Lead to such imbalance:
Formation of an erosion of a stomach is quite often promoted by chronic diseases of bodies and a metabolism: for example, liver and heart failure, diabetes, pancreatitis, etc.
There is also a theory about influence of a microorganism of Helicobacter pylori on a condition of upper layers of tissues of stomach. Today this theory is not proved yet, however it is authentically known that to 90% of patients with an erosion of a stomach are carriers of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori.
The greatest distribution was gained by systematization of a disease according to V. Vodolagin. According to it allocate several kinds of erosive defect mucous a stomach:
Besides, the erosion of a stomach can be acute and chronic, single and multiple, and also flat, polipovodny or hemorrhagic, i.e. sanguifluous.
Disease duration depends on type of an erosion of a stomach. Thanks to dynamic gastroscopic observation it was succeeded to find out that the acute erosion of a stomach cicatrizes on average within 10 days. In especially hard cases process of epithelization mucous a stomach continues 2-8 weeks. Acute erosion of a stomach are located, as a rule, in proximal (central) departments of body.
The chronic erosion of a stomach is characterized by longer existence, up to 5 years and more. It is localized preferential in antral (day off) department of a stomach. Bleedings and their recurrence are more characteristic of the combined erosion of a stomach and a duodenum.
The clinical picture of an erosion of a stomach is in many respects similar to clinic of a peptic ulcer of body. A specific symptom of an erosion of a stomach call intensity of a pain syndrome.
Unlike stomach ulcer pain at an erosion of a stomach is more expressed and is characterized by special firmness of a current. At a number of patients it is not possible to stop completely pain even at treatment of an erosion of a stomach within 1-2 months.
Yazvopodobny symptoms of an erosion of a stomach:
Diagnostic criteria of an erosion of a stomach are the occult blood in Calais and anemia.
The type of an erosion of a stomach decides on the help of an endoscopic gastroduodenal research and the analysis of a bioptat of mucous fabrics.
Treatment of an erosion of a stomach - long with regular endoscopic control of a state mucous body.
As standard method of treatment of an erosion of a stomach antiulcerous therapy by means of drugs-inhibitors of a proton pomp and H2 blockers acts. Antibiotics in treatment of an erosion of a stomach are applied if at the patient Helicobacter pylori microorganism was revealed.
In treatment of an erosion of a stomach of a secondary form drugs cytoprotectors and prostaglandins of a synthetic origin are used. Thanks to them terms of healing of a mucous membrane of a stomach accelerate.
Microblood circulation in fabrics on an affected area mucous significantly is improved by influence by the low-intensive laser. Laser treatment of an erosion of a stomach of hemorrhagic type is carried out only in a surgical hospital.
H2 blockers - histamine receptors, for example, Kvamatel are applied to prevention of repeated bleeding. In treatment of erosion of a stomach of a chronic form well proved drugs – gastroprotektor, for example, on the basis of subcitrate of colloid bismuth.
Important part of therapy of a disease is clinical nutrition at a stomach erosion.
The basic principle of a diet at a stomach erosion – the maximum mechanical, thermal and chemical shchazheniye mucous body. It means that in clinical nutrition at an erosion of a stomach are strictly forbidden:
Obligatory elements of a diet at an erosion of a stomach are dairy products:
It is considered that these products promote production of the enzymes accelerating regenerative processes in mucous a stomach. And therefore their active use in food at a stomach erosion – an important condition of bystry healing mucous.
The recommended diet at a stomach erosion – 4-6 times a day in the small portions. Dishes for a diet at an erosion of a stomach are recommended to be boiled or steamed. Traditional dishes of a diet at a stomach erosion – steam cutlets, porridge, soft-boiled eggs, semolina porridge, kissel, mucous soups.
Effective folk remedy at an erosion of a stomach the celandine is considered. One tablespoon of a grass should be filled in with 1 glass of boiled water and to insist in a thermos 1,5 hours. The prepared infusion needs to be drunk within a month on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in 30 minutes prior to food. After a ten-day break the monthly course of treatment of an erosion of a stomach a celandine is recommended to be repeated.
Efficient folk remedy at an erosion of a stomach is also infusion of mix of a grass of a St. John's Wort, yarrow, celandine and flowers of a camomile pharmaceutical, taken in proportions 2:2:1:2. 20gr medicinal collecting it is necessary to insist within half an hour with a glass of boiled water, and further to drink 100gr 3 times a day for half an hour to food.
Successfully folk remedy – collecting a grass of a St. John's Wort (4 parts), a ninety-knot (2), an everlastings (4), a celandine (2), a sage (2), a root of an acorus (0,5), leaves of a peppermint (0,5) and flowers of a yarrow (1 part) copes with a stomach erosion. 20 гр dry mix of this folk remedy from an erosion of a stomach fill in 200gr boiled water and insist in a thermos of 8-10 hours. It is necessary to drink the prepared infusion 3-4 times a day on 200gr in an hour after food.
Tasty folk remedy at a stomach erosion – a honey teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach. At severe pains propolis is more effective.
All folk remedies from an erosion of a stomach are recommended to be combined with traditional medicamentous drugs and a diet at a stomach erosion.
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