Main > Diseases> Follicular cyst

Follicular cyst

Follicular oothecoma is called the high-quality hollow education proceeding from the largest (dominant) follicle in the absence of its rupture and an exit of an ovum, i.e. an ovulation. The follicular cyst is the most often met form among all tumors of an ovary. It never regenerates in a malignant tumor (does not malignizirutsya).Фолликулярная киста - опухоль яичника

The disease occurs usually at women of reproductive age, but very seldom follicular cyst can arise also at women in the first years of a climacteric, and also at newborn girls.

Follicular cyst: reasons

The follicular cyst results from various hormonal disturbances, i.e. owing to neuroendocrinal regulation of function of ovaries. Disturbances of hormonal balance at women can develop under the influence of the following reasons:

  • Chronic stress;
  • Physical and mental overfatigue;
  • Irregular sexual life;
  • Abortions;
  • Irrational food;
  • Gynecologic operations;
  • Childbirth.

At treatment of infertility sometimes resort to carrying out hyper stimulation of ovaries that can lead to emergence of bilateral follicular cysts.

As we already spoke, at newborn girls the follicular cyst which reason of development excess of estrogen in an organism of mother and its pre-natal influence on a fruit organism is can be observed too.

Follicular cysts are disappearing, i.e. are capable to resolve independently on condition of normalization of a hormonal background. If they remain throughout more than two menstrual cycles, then them call persistent.

Follicular cyst: symptoms

At most of patients the main symptom of a follicular cyst is emergence of feeling of a raspiraniye or weight in the left or right part of the inguinal area. In process of growth of a cyst there are pains amplifying at sharp change of position of a body, sexual intercourse, an exercise stress. As a rule, all these discomfortable feelings arise in the second phase of a menstrual cycle, i.e. after an estimated ovulation and approximately in 14 days prior to the beginning of the following periods.

Other symptom of a follicular cyst is low basal temperature in the second phase of a menstrual cycle. Most often it does not exceed 36,8 degrees of Page. In addition, a symptom of a follicular cyst are also various disturbances of a menstrual cycle.

Follicular cyst: complications

The follicular oothecoma can lead to development of the following of life-threatening complications of the woman:

  • Cyst torsion. Arises during an exercise stress or sexual intercourse. The woman has a sharp kolikoobrazny pain in lower parts of a stomach, there is nausea and vomiting. Very quickly intestines paresis develops, arterial pressure falls, tachycardia accrues. At torsion of a follicular oothecoma the immediate surgery is necessary. At the untimely request for medical care peritonitis develops that does the forecast of a disease extremely serious.
  • Rupture of a follicular oothecoma. At the time of a rupture of the capsule of a cyst the woman feels sharp sudden pain in lower parts of a stomach as if she was stabbed. Because of the expressed pain the woman accepts the forced bent position of a body. At a rupture of a follicular cyst there is internal bleeding. Its symptoms are the increasing general weakness, pallor of integuments, falling arterial pressure, increase of tachycardia, emergence of a cold clammy sweat. Treatment of a rupture of a follicular cyst operational. Operation is carried out according to the emergency indications. Роды - одна из причин образования фолликулярных кист

Follicular cyst: treatment

As the hormonal imbalance is the reason of a follicular cyst, treatment of this disease has to begin with normalization of a hormonal background. To the woman recommend to observe a day regimen and to eat properly. If necessary appoint vitamins and minerals in tablets. At excess body weight weight loss is recommended. Quite often loss of only several kilograms of weight leads to normalization of level of hormones, and the follicular cyst independently resolves. Along with it treatment of the available chronic diseases of a thyroid gland and digestive organs is carried out. If all these methods do not promote a cyst rassasyvaniye, then direct the woman to the gynecologist-endocrinologist for purpose of hormonal therapy.

Surgical treatment of a follicular cyst is carried out only in case of inefficiency of the carried-out conservative therapy, and also at emergence of complications of a disease.

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