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Filbert or hazelnut call fruits of a filbert large or "lombardsky nut", a species of the listopadny bushes belonging to the sort Family Filbert Birch.

Фундук (лесной орех)

Plants reach height in 10 m, are widespread preferential in Balkan countries, in Italy, in the southern areas of Germany, Switzerland, France and in North America. Fruits of bushes have the characteristic yellowy-brown coloring and a form close to spherical. Length of nuts does not exceed 25 mm, width they are about 20 mm.

Once was considered that the filbert has magic properties and is capable to keep life. This legend was born in ancient times, in the crop failure periods when the filbert was the only food. It was used in a crude, fried look or did paste or oil of nut. Those settlements that had no essential stocks of a filbert, were doomed to death. Residents of thriftier villages survived.

Now prevalence was received by three grades of a filbert: Crimean, керасунд and bady. Their difference is covered in outward and thickness of a shell, property at the same time differ with nothing.

Filbert are widely used in the confectionery industry where are made of it flour, nut paste, besides, use it fried, in the candied or salted types.

Nutrition value, structure and caloric content of a filbert

High caloric content of a filbert is caused by its oily structure, nut more than for 50% consists of fat (about 67 g in 100 g of a product). Content of carbohydrates is rather small and does not exceed an indicator in 10 g. The mass fraction of protein in nut makes about 16 g that there is a lot of for product of plant origin. This property does a filbert by an irreplaceable battery for those who adhere to a vegetarian diet or a post.

Caloric content of a filbert equals 704 Kcal on 100 g of a product. Nut surpasses not only the majority of other products of this category, but also chocolate, bread and milk in this indicator. Only 200 g of a filbert eaten within a day are capable to provide a half of standard daily rate of calories.

Despite the seeming fat content of nut of oil, being its part, have extremely useful properties. Composition of oils is as follows: olein, stearin, palmitic and other acids.

Besides, nut contains vitamins E, B and minerals: potassium, cobalt, iron, calcium, magnesium and some other.

Useful properties of a filbert

The advantage of a filbert at treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular sphere is explained by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Besides, calcium and potassium as a part of nut promote improvement of work of smooth muscles of heart, well influence walls of vessels, maintaining their elasticity. The filbert is good and at an anemia, a varicosity, thrombophlebitises, diseases of capillaries. In other words, the advantage of a filbert at various disturbances in functioning of networks of blood vessels is indisputable.

The filbert will perfectly cope with a problem of clarification of an organism and especially a liver. Ability of nut to prevent education and distribution of putrefactive processes in a body is known.

Specialists claim that the advantage of a filbert is invaluable at increase in a prostate and as immunoexcitant. Besides, the sick diabetes mellitus often recommends to include this product in a food allowance thanks to the small content of carbohydrates in it.

Data of researches show that contained in a filbert paklitakset (anti-cancer substance) is effective as prevention of oncological diseases.

The doctors and Aesculapians applying recipes of traditional medicine recommend to eat a filbert to nursing mothers for production of milk, all the rest – for prevention of gas generation in intestines, elimination of nephroliths. Cocktail from the pounded nuts with water helps to cope with bronchopulmonary diseases, and with addition of honey improves a state at rheumatism and an anemia. Oil of nut is used at epilepsy and ascarids.


Harmful properties of a filbert

Harm of a filbert is in most cases connected with its overconsumption. Completely it is contraindicated to children with diseases of kidneys in a chronic form, and also with severe forms of diabetes.

At respect for daily norm in 30-50 g harm of a filbert is minimized. However at numerous exceeding of a dosage emergence of the headaches caused by emergence of a vasospasm in frontal lobes of a brain is possible.

Besides, existence of useful properties of a filbert cannot be guaranteed upon purchase of nut without shell. In the filbert deprived of a cover quickly enough there is a process of disintegration of nutrients and vitamins that leads to loss of its useful properties.

At last, it is important to know that no more than half a year is recommended to store nut, otherwise it also loses all those properties which it is appreciated. The filbert will not do harm, however and useful will stop being.

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