Main > Diseases> Galactorrhoea


Galactorrhoea – process of allocation of one go two chest glands of colostrum, milk or molokopodobny liquid.

Галакторея - выделение из груди молокоподобной жидкостиAt pregnancy and breastfeeding the galactorrhoea is natural state. If at the woman the galactorrhoea syndrome out of pregnancy is observed or proceeds for half a year and more after the breastfeeding termination, it is pathology. At a galactorrhoea syndrome release of milk or colostrum as a result of a touch to a breast or its stimulation is characteristic. Sometimes, that liquid is emitted for no apparent reason. The volume of the allocated secret can be as plentiful, and is not present.

Sometimes, that the galactorrhoea arises also at men, however at women this pathology meets considerably more often.

Main reasons for a galactorrhoea

Control of a lactation in an organism is exercised at interaction of certain hormones which production happens in a hypophysis and a hypothalamus. Owing to disturbance of processes of their development there is also a development of this pathology. Are the most common causes of a galactorrhoea:

  • existence of a tumor in a front hypophysis (prolaktinoma, somatotropinoma);
  • disturbances of regulatory influences of a hypothalamus on a hypophysis;
  • disturbance of work of a thyroid gland (hypo - or a hyperthyroidism);
  • disturbance of an optimum ratio of level of hormones in an organism;
  • pregnancy and period of breastfeeding;
  • liver or renal failure;
  • pathology of adrenal glands (estrogen the producing tumors, a hypocorticoidism);
  • too frequent check of a breast on existence of tumors (every day or several times a day);
  • use of some medicines developing a hormonal imbalance;
  • pathology of ovaries (polycystosis, etc.);
  • mastitis;
  • pathological reflex activation (mechanical or sucking stimulation of mammary glands);
  • use of drugs (opiates, marijuana);
  • wearing inconvenient and too close clothes;
  • phytotherapy by the means exerting impact on a hormonal background of an organism (fennel, an anise, a nettle).

If the exact reason of a galactorrhoea does not manage to be established, then it call idiopathic.

Galactorrhoea symptoms

The main symptom of a galactorrhoea is disturbance of a menstrual cycle. At the same time there is either a total absence monthly, or their existence very scanty and irregular. The syndrome of a galactorrhoea can proceed also without disturbance of periods. In this case the patient does not feel any changes in an organism.

Disturbance of a menstrual cycle is followed, as a rule, by emergence of the following symptoms of a galactorrhoea: weight and swelling of chest glands, a headache, dull ache in breasts. Strengthening of growth of hair on a breast, a vision disorder is possible. One of symptoms of a galactorrhoea is acne rash. Decrease in a libido is possible. Because of plentiful allocation of a secret development of eczema and maceration of skin is possible.

Color of allocations at a galactorrhoea is of great importance. So, milky-white color of allocations testimonial of presence of casein and lactose, says that from a breast usual breast milk is allocated. However if color of allocations brown or greenish and in structure is not similar to breast milk, then it can testify to an endocrinopathy. Reddish and bloody allocations signal about existence of malignant tumors in a mammary gland.Опухоль в переднем гипофизе - одна из причин галактореи

Diagnosis of a galactorrhoea

Treatment of a galactorrhoea needs to be directed on elimination of its reason. As the reasons can be the most different, often diagnosis of a disease requires carrying out many researches.

Begin diagnosis with the general survey of the patient and poll. These data can help with definition of the reason of a galactorrhoea.

At suspicion of a tumor of a hypophysis of the patient direct to consultation to the oculist and appoint a computer tomography or do a picture by means of a magnetic and resonant tomography. Also for establishment of the reason of a galactorrhoea it is necessary to investigate the level of hormones in blood, especially prolactin.

Full inspection includes ultrasonography of a liver, ovaries, kidneys, mammary glands and the main zones of lymph nodes. If the reason does not manage to be found out, then purpose of additional types of researches is possible.

Treatment of a galactorrhoea

First of all at treatment of a galactorrhoea it is necessary to remove the cause which caused pathology. It, actually, will also promote reduction and even to full elimination of symptoms of a disease. If the reason of a galactorrhoea does not manage to be found out, then the medicines reducing prolactin hormone level in blood are appointed. Usually at an idiopathic galactorrhoea of easy degree medicines are not appointed, and recommend to the woman to tie up a breast bandage.

If the tumor is the reason, you should not panic at once. As a rule, these tumors seldom happen malignant and will usually well respond to treatment. Depending on a specific case drug or surgical treatment can be appointed.

Sometimes, that treatment of a galactorrhoea is not required at all as it a slope to self-healing. Just throughout a certain span it is necessary to avoid stimulation of chest glands.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.