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Sodium gluconate

Sodium gluconate (Sodium gluconate, E576) - nutritional supplement, the acidity regulator, the kompleksoobrazovatel intendedГлюконат натрия — белый кристаллический порошок for strengthening of flavoring feelings. This effect is carried out due to increase in sensitivity of receptors of language.

Is the regulator of acidity and synergist of antioxidants.

The sodium gluconate (not to confuse to a sodium glutamate) is presented in the form of white crystal powder, well soluble in alkalis, acids, cold water and not soluble in alcohols.

Natural source of a gluconate of sodium is the gluconic acid which is a product of the first oxidation of glucose. As the kompleksoobrazovatel, a gluconate of sodium has ability to connect excess of iron, calcium and ions of heavy metals thanks to what it is successfully used in the food industry.

Use of a gluconate of sodium

In addition to use in the food industry the gluconate of sodium is used as a compound component:

  • Industrial detergents. Thanks to a combination of the dispersing, complexing and anticorrosive properties, good solubility and stability in the silnoshchelochny environment substance is fine complexing means for creation of alkaline cultures. Detergents with addition of a gluconate of sodium are used in the glass and milk industries;
  • Means for removal of a scum in the beer industry. Washing of the equipment and a container solution with sulfamic acid and a gluconate of sodium prevents calcium accumulation, eliminates traces of organic and mineral deposits on surfaces;
  • Additives in cement for the oil-extracting industry, and also solution for processing of the production well.

Besides, the gluconate of sodium found broad application in metallurgy as the chelating agent connecting among themselves metal ions that allows rainfall to be removed easily in the course of filtering. In the field ofГлюконат натрия используется как присадка в цемент steel etching the gluconate of sodium improves a condition of metal, interfering with emergence of deposits of salts on its surface.

Harm of a gluconate of sodium

E576 nutritional supplement (sodium gluconate), according to the SanPiN, is included in composition of "the additives which are not making harmful effects on health of the person when using for production of foodstuff". According to the Resolution Russian Federation of 14.11.2001 No. 36 of the Chief state health officer harm of a gluconate of sodium is not defined.

Nevertheless, in large numbers the gluconate of sodium is capable to cause a so-called "syndrome of the Chinese restaurant" - a set of the corporal feelings which are expressed the face reddening, a cardiopalmus raised by sweating, a headache and feeling of weight in a mouth. The recommended norm of E576 - no more than 20 grams a day.

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