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Choroidal neovascular membrane


The choroidal neovascular membrane (HNVM) meets at the most various diseases of a retina, but most often is manifestation of a wet form of a senile makulodistrofiya.

Symptoms of the Choroidal neovascular membrane:

    * Areas of indistinct black-and-white sight
    * Distortions of the image (straight lines look curved)
    * Central blind spot

Хориоидальная неоваскулярная мембрана при осмотре глазного дна

Choroidal neovascular membrane at survey of an eyeground

Reasons of the Choroidal neovascular membrane:

HNVM is formed by the pathological blood vessels growing into retina layers from a choroid. These neogenic vessels very brittle and easily permeable that leads to accumulation of blood and liquid in a retina.

Result of growth of pathological vessels and bleedings from them is the disturbance of work of nervous cells of a retina which is inevitably leading to decrease in sight. Expressiveness of symptoms depends on the size of a choroidal neovascular membrane, its proximity to a makula and can vary from insignificant decrease in visual acuity to emergence of the central blind spot.

Treatment of the Choroidal neovascular membrane:

In some cases HNVM the laser coagulation of a retina (LCR) helps to block the bleeding and permeable neogenic vessels. However, at thermal impact of the laser on vessels the surrounding and subject retina tissue is damaged that in itself sight can lower. For this reason of LKS it is appointed for the purpose of not improvement, but preservation of the available visual acuity.

Rather recently into practice the special form of laser therapy, so-called photodynamic therapy began to be put. It is based on intravenous administration of drug under the name вертепорфин (Vizudin) who being postponed in walls of vessels of a retina, selectively increases their sensitivity to the laser radiation of a certain wavelength. Thus doctors try to obtain purposeful action on pathological neogenic vessels and reduce a damage rate of healthy surrounding fabrics. In carefully conducted comparative researches scientists convincingly proved that at certain forms of a choroidal neovascular membrane photodynamic therapy allows to stop progressing of a disease and to achieve sight improvement.

In recent years in treatment of patients with a subretinal neovascular membrane the drug blocking action of a growth factor of vessels - луцентис is successfully used. The drug during small surgical manipulation is administered directly in an eye cavity (intravitrealno) to break a blood-ocular barrier and to appear in that place where it is necessary.

If the membrane small, compact, is located away from the center of a makula and found at early stages, the thinnest microsurgery the subfovealny excision though connected with the highest risk of complications among other methods of treatment of HNVM gives the best chance to the patient for sight improvement.

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