Miopichesky chorioretinitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Miopichesky chorioretinitis
- Reasons of the Miopichesky chorioretinitis
- Treatment of the Miopichesky chorioretinitis
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Miopichesky chorioretinitis (page of centralis myopica; Xing. the maculitis of miopicheskiya) is the chorioretinitis developing in areas of a macula lutea (a retina spot) owing to repeated retinal apoplexies and an eye choroid at short-sightedness of high degree.
Symptoms of the Miopichesky chorioretinitis:
Complaints to deterioration in sight. Oftalmoskopicheski in the field of a macula lutea is found by depression of a pigment, thin white strips, hemorrhages; further the big atrophic centers are formed.

Survey of an eyeground at a chorioretinitis
Reasons of the Miopichesky chorioretinitis:
Choroid atrophy owing to its stretching at high short-sightedness.
Treatment of the Miopichesky chorioretinitis:
Appoint iodine drugs inside and intramuscular injections of fish oil, an aloe injection. At fresh hemorrhages appoint a calcium electrophoresis (5 — 10% Calcium chloratum solution), ascorbic acid (2 — 3% solution from the cathode) on an orbital zatylbchnoy to a technique at current 1,5 — 2 ма 10 — 15 minutes daily or every other day, only 15 procedures, and at old hemorrhages — an iodine electrophoresis (5 — 10% solution of iodide potassium) by the same technique at current 2 — 2,5 ма, 15 — 20 minutes daily or every other day, only 30 procedures.
Through 1 1/2 — 2 months repeat a course of treatment.