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Dried apricots caloric content

Калорийность кураги - 2400 ккал на 100 граммDried apricots is the dried-up apricot, belongs to dried fruits. To make dried apricots, ripe fruits of apricots clear of stones and dry up in the sun within several days. In the course of drying its orange color can fade a little and even to get a grayish shade that speaks rather about natural process of drying, but not chemical treatment for giving of a trade dress in case of too bright amber and transparent fruits. From three-four kilograms of fresh apricots one kilogram of dried apricots turns out. Fruit loses water therefore the caloric content of dried apricots is much higher, than at an apricot.

Dried apricots: calories

How many calories in dried apricots are important to know as thanks to useful properties of these dried fruits, they are recommended in many diets for completion of minerals and vitamins necessary for an organism and for normalization of work of the alimentary system.

On average in 100 g of dried apricots of calories about 240 contain. It is not a lot of, but also it is a lot of so it is not necessary to abuse it. The daily norm of dried apricots makes 4-5 pieces a day.

In 100 g of dried apricots contains on average:

  • Proteins – 5.0 g;
  • Fats – 0.5 mg;
  • Carbohydrates – 62.5 g;
  • Food fibers – 17.3 g;
  • Organic acids – 1.5 g.

In spite of the fact that when drying some share of vitamins is lost, and dried apricots caloric content rather high, the maintenance of a large amount of cellulose and mineral substances, out-of-season availability of dried fruits are the important reasons for inclusion of dried apricots in the daily menu. Content of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium in dried apricots is much more, than in fresh apricots. This product possesses good fortifying action and ability to bring out of an organism heavy metals and radionuclides as contains a lot of pectin, B5 vitamin and organic acids. Not so important, how many calories in dried apricots because its dietary properties are caused more by dominance as a part of potassium salts over sodium salts. And thanks to the high content of iron and potassium, it is useful at anemia and cardiovascular diseases, increases hemoglobin level in blood, promotes elimination of obstruction of blood vessels. Dried apricots is recommended also at a hypertension and diseases of a thyroid gland. And at migraine and catarrhal diseases acid grades of dried apricots which caloric content is slightly lower are quite effective.

At the daily use of dried apricots complexion, the general condition of skin and hair considerably improve. Due to high content of cellulose it very well clears intestines. Dried apricots is useful also at the weakened sight. And the soft diuretic effect of broth or infusion is used at diseases of kidneys.

High caloric content of dried apricots and sweet taste at it from a large amount of fructose, glucose and sucrose, the natural carbohydrates which are not increasing sugar level in blood therefore dried apricots is shown at a diabetes mellitus and obesity. Thanks to all useful properties, dried apricots can be used as a dietary product in fasting days.

Despite the dried apricots caloric content, broad application this sweet delicacy and in cookery found. It can be used and as a separate dish, and to use in various salads and desserts. Very well dried apricots is combined with fish or meat, rice.

Despite undoubted useful properties and not too high caloric content of dried apricots, in unlimited number it is not recommended to eat it after all. Concentration of substances in this product is quite considerable therefore maintenance of health requires its moderate quantity. So, celluloses in dried apricots at 9-10 times more than in apricots therefore the use of dried apricots in large numbers can cause a gastric disturbance and intestines. There are contraindications and for people with the lowered blood pressure.

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