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Caloric content of beaters

Every year Japanese cuisine gains the increasing popularity not only from gourmets, but also from simple people from around the world. Despite a variety of this east kitchen, sushi are considered as the most known of all its dishes. Among all options of their preparation beaters are high on the list. Beaters strike not only the rich tastes, but also simplicity of preparation. It is worth to remember also about the small caloric content of beaters that pleases nutritionists and adherents of healthy nutrition.

How many calories in beaters?

Калорийность роллов определяется входящими ингредиентамиIf you decided to enter this remarkable dish into the menu, then by all means it is worth understanding that how many calories in beaters. First of all, you should not forget that, despite the small number of calories in beaters, they are rich with iodine, iron and various other vital vitamins which amount and structure are in full balance, only significantly supplementing each other. Knowing that the combination of rice and seafood perfectly is suitable for healthy food, beaters are perfectly acquired in a human body and quickly are digested in a stomach, saving from weight and unpleasant feelings.

Thinking of that how many calories in beaters, it is necessary to pay attention to what products were their part. The low number of calories in beaters is connected with the fact that the main component of this dish is rice, and also sheets of an alga of a chain pump. Help to make sushi really tasty and useful additional ingredients: cheese, seafood and vegetables.

Caloric content of beaters, as well as sushi, can be within 70-200 calories on 100 g of a portion. The smallest number of calories in the beaters made of vegetables and crab meat. People who want to get rid of extra kilos in the nearest future should exclude the sushi made of an eel and very popular, but quite caloric beaters Philadelphia from the diet. To help to understand that how many calories in beaters, you will be helped by knowledge of whether there is in susha a cream cheese or it is not there. Presence of similar cheese testifies to the high caloric content of beaters.

Beaters represent hardly twisted sausages from rice, sheets of a chain pump, and also various stuffing. Interesting cutting on small segments helps to give a ready look to this national dish of the Japanese and Korean cuisine that does the use of beaters convenient and esthetic.

Let's consider some of the most popular recipes of sushi which won love of visitors of many Japanese restaurants.

  • Beater California has attractive outward as it is outside sprinkled with caviar of flying fish (Tobiko). Avocado and crabmeat most often acts as a stuffing. Besides, mayonnaise, a cucumber (instead of avocado), fillet of a salmon, a tuna or a shrimp can be a part;
  • Caloric content of beaters Philadelphia is much higher, than other options of sushi. An upper layer of such beaters – rice which can be supplemented with a piece of a fresh-salted or fresh salmon. Cream cheese (as increases the caloric content of beaters Philadelphia), caviar, green onions, a cucumber is a part of a stuffing;
  • The beater of "Unagi" represents the beater wrapped in a chain pump, small on diameter, which has only one stuffing inside – a smoked eel.

Whether beaters can be a part of dietary food?

Низкая калорийность роллов позволяет их использовать в разгрузочные дниAs a result number of calories in beaters quite low, them it is possible to include in structure of many diets. Low caloric content of beaters is reached at the expense of rice thanks to which quite often it is possible to get rid of extra kilos. Besides, the stuffing also does not differ in high content of fat and carbohydrates. So, the salmon or a shrimp are less caloric, than, for example, chicken. If you like sushi and want to reduce the caloric content of beaters, you should prepare them in the kitchen. It will be possible to put the waist in order if to get rid of fat cream cheese.

It will be possible to improve work of all digestive tract if to eat beaters sticks. At the same time the organism not only is quicker sated with food, but also acquires it better. Such meal will forever save you from an overeating and weight in a stomach. At the expense of the small caloric content of beaters, one portion can include 6 or 7 pieces. At the same time you not only will feel all charm of this dish, but also will remain full.

Because of the small number of calories in beaters, many nutritionists recommend to use them as the main food in fasting days. Many celebrities apply similar diets in the life long ago. So, in one day it is possible to eat no more than 20 beaters which need to be divided for all day. In that case you not only will grow thin, but also enrich the organism with a large amount of vitamins and useful microelements.

Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.