White cabbage – the most widespread crop from all kinds of cabbage.
Cabbage is grown up almost around the world, it received especially great respect in the countries with a temperate climate. In our country cabbage is grown up in each yard where there is a kitchen garden, and is always present at each house where there is a refrigerator. Without this vegetable it is difficult to imagine winter and spring, the periods when the white cabbage is the main source of vitamins and vegetable fibers for the person. Both children, and adults can eat without restrictions a white cabbage.
Useful properties of a white cabbage – in its composition, a combination of the important vitamins and minerals necessary for the person. It is the most available fresh vegetable rich with salts of phosphorus and potassium. The white cabbage for children with food allergy, so the eurysynusic phenomenon among them is absolutely safe.
The white cabbage and in a fermented look since the sugar which is contained in cabbage at a fermentation forms lactic acid which has the preserving properties keeps all useful properties.
The following elements are a part of cabbage:
Vitamins B structure provide useful properties of a white cabbage. So, it includes vitamins: With, B1, B2, B3, K, PP.
Along with the low caloric content of a white cabbage, it surpasses carrots, beet, a swede, turnip in the content of proteins. Proteins of cabbage have irreplaceable amino acids (methionine, a lysine, threonine) which are necessary for stimulation of functions of kidneys and adrenal glands, a thyroid gland. Useful properties of a white cabbage – in its positive influence on process of a hemopoiesis in an organism, and also on growth and recovery of the lost and damaged fabrics.
Distinctive feature of useful properties of a white cabbage is an availability of vitamin U (methylmethionine) which allows to treat stomach ulcer and a duodenum, gastritises, colitis, speeds up work of a liver. The white cabbage is rich with the vitamin K necessary for the correct metabolism. Promotes healing of wounds, the best coagulability of blood, formation of bones and health of teeth, regulates work of a liver. The white cabbage vitamin C which remains in it long time and does not lose the properties therefore it is possible to give a white cabbage to children and adults as vitamin means in the winter is especially valuable.
Small content of starch and sucrose allows to include a white cabbage in a diet to diabetics. Cabbage promotes increase in allocation from a stomach of a gastric juice. Cellulose as a part of a white cabbage increases motility of intestines therefore it is useful for everything to use it who has problems with locks and hemorrhoids. Useful property of a white cabbage is also that cellulose helps with its structure to removal of cholesterol and slags, and it, in turn, prevents development of atherosclerosis.
Low caloric content of a white cabbage perfectly will be suitable those who keeps the figure and weight for observance of a diet. The white cabbage on caloric content is a little higher, than vegetable marrows, the known dietary product, and are much lower than the majority of vegetables and fruit, not to mention other food stuffs.
Caloric content of a white cabbage on 100 grams of a product makes 28 kcal.
Useful properties of cabbage white and its caloric content at a low level are since ancient times used in cookery of many people and therefore cabbage – the most popular and demanded vegetable. From crude cabbage cook various salads, make sour, pickle, extinguish, cook and bake, it is a basis of many dishes.
The white cabbage is appreciated not only as vegetable, but also it is widely known as a medicinal plant. The high content of cellulose in cabbage exerts beneficial influence on digestive tract and brings cholesterol out of an organism. The fermented white cabbage with its useful properties is the first means for treatment for a hangover, it is also recommended to eat cabbage before a feast to reduce effect of alcoholic beverages.
Thanks to the low caloric content of a white cabbage and useful properties this vegetable can be used in the menu of sick people and children. Children can begin to enter a white cabbage in a boiled and stewed look as in the raw it can cause intestines swelling. Gradually, after 1,5 - 2, it is possible to give to children a white cabbage and fresh, in salads.
Crude leaves of a white cabbage often use for external use, as anti-inflammatory drug, putting them to the place of pain.
Useful properties of a white cabbage help at the following problems with health:
The white cabbage as outside means possesses a number of pharmacological actions:
1. Anesthetic;
2. Antiinflammatory;
3. Stimulates exchange processes in an organism.
Useful properties of a white cabbage use in medical diets at different diseases:
Useful properties of a white cabbage can exert a negative impact on health at following disturbances and diseases:
1. Hyperoxemia of a gastric juice;
2. Enteritis;
3. Colitis;
4. Diarrhea;
5. Myocardial infarction.
The white cabbage is allowed to children after one and a half years. The system of digestion at children is especially sensitive to gas generation, and the white cabbage can cause gripes and swelling in a stomach.
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