Main > Cosmetic procedures> Carboxytherapy


Carboxytherapy represents the kind of an esthetic mesotherapy based on hypodermic administration of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). By means of carboxytherapy correction of various cosmetic problems is carried out: acne rash, wrinkles, extensions, cellulitis, traces of surgical intervention, loss by skin of elasticity and elasticity.Карбокситерапия - подкожное введение диоксида углерода

It is proved that for normal implementation of oxidizing and exchange processes in cells, minimum "tension" of oxygen in the field of mitochondrions has to make not less than 0,1-1 mm hg (critical "tension" of oxygen). As only "reserve" of oxygen which can be used by an organism is its dissolved fraction, decrease in receipt of O2 leads to inevitable air hunger of cells that is expressed in delay of processes of their life activity.

The lack of oxygen of fabrics causes dysfunction of an endothelium arterial венулярного a link of a microcirculator bed and capillaries. This process leads to loss of ability of cells to regeneration, decrease in their elasticity, appearance of eels, a nevus pigmentosus and, as a result, a skin senilism.

Carboxytherapy method

Bohr effect which essence consists in ability of carbon monoxide to exert impact on concentration of oxygen in blood is the cornerstone of a method of carboxytherapy.

During carboxytherapy introduction under carbon dioxide skin (medical carbon dioxide) is carried out that is followed by artificial strengthening of air hunger of cells. Increased "tension" of carbon dioxide in cells reduces linkng of O2 with hemoglobin that promotes oxyhemoglobin dissociation therefore blood "releases" oxygen from chemical compound and "transfers" him to an intercellular lymph.

30 minutes later after the carboxytherapy session all carbon dioxide is completely removed from an organism by means of lungs and kidneys, however, work in an organism only begins. Cells of skin "wake up" and begin to react to a stressful situation sharp strengthening of blood circulation. The oxygen coming to fabrics in the course of carboxytherapy is involved in oxidizing processes of cells. Receipt of O2 in cellular mitochondrions increases synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid (the main supplier of energy in cells), giving them an opportunity to function at qualitatively other energy level.

In case of lack of contraindications to carboxytherapy, the procedure of hypodermic administration of carbon dioxide can be used as the strong rehabilitation support before plastic surgeries, at a varicosis, in fight against local fatty deposits and cellulitis.

Carboxytherapy of the person

Carboxytherapy of the person is performed by means of the modern equipment allowing to control indicators of volume, pressure, concentration and depth of administration of substance.

In the place of an injection there is almost instant strengthening of a blood-groove and lymph flow therefore exchange processes of cells accelerate. Impact on skin of carbon dioxide starts process of recovery and rejuvenation of skin that is shown:

  • In the expressed antiinflammatory action;
  • In normalization of a trophicity, expansion of a gleam of blood vessels;
  • In stimulation of activity of fibroblasts - the special cells which are responsible for production of construction protein of skin (collagen) and strengthening of a thermal matrix;
  • In the strengthened development by skin of hyaluronic acid, fibronectin, polisakharidny complexes, amino acids;
  • In improvement of process of metabolism of cells;
  • In expressed lifting effect, increase in turgor, moistening of skin;
  • In activation of cellular immunity;
  • In increase in cellular regeneration;
  • In reduction of volumes of a hypodermic fatty tissue, etc.

The procedure of carboxytherapy, according to reviews, is not followed by pain. Feelings during a session can be compared to slight feeling of a tension on the processed site. The small discomfort usually lasts 3-5 minutes while there is a release of carbon dioxide. After an injection in a zone of processing there can be a small swelling, however this inflammatory process which is an integral part of carboxytherapy and provokes recovery processes in fabrics.

For receiving stable lifting effect usually is required 4-6 procedures. The session of carboxytherapy of the person lasts about 30 minutes and is held each 2-4 weeks.

The place of an injection after the procedure of carboxytherapy of the person is not recommended to be wetted within 4 hours. Also it is not necessary to float, visit a sauna, a bath, to overheat or overcool face skin before reddening and hypostasis of fabrics disappear.

Noninvasive carboxytherapy

Noninvasive carboxytherapy represents a method of transdermalny administration of carbon dioxide in fabric in the noninvasive way, that is without implementation of a subcutaneous injection.Сеанс неинвазивной карбокситерапии лица

The essence of the procedure consists in drawing on skin of special means which main component is the carbonic acid molecule received as a result of mixing of ingredients of a mask.

Molecular carbon dioxide quickly gets into skin and, reaching blood vessels, increases blood flowability, strengthens metabolism of a cell and saturation of blood oxygen. The way of noninvasive carboxytherapy provides continuous administration of carbon dioxide throughout all procedure and stable results:

  • The expressed improvement of texture of the person;
  • Lifting effect;
  • Strengthening of a muscular framework;
  • Strengthening of skin around eyes, puffiness reduction;
  • Minimization of hems after an acne, striya.
  • Reduction of expressiveness and quantity of wrinkles.

Noninvasive carboxytherapy of the person strengthens effect of other cosmetic techniques: peelings, esthetic leaving, hardware cosmetology it can also be applied at once after ultrasonic and cosmetology cleanings, an ionophoresis, microcurrents, electroporation.

Contraindications to carboxytherapy

According to reviews, carboxytherapy has no complications and does not give side effects. The rehabilitation period after the procedure is also absent.

Nevertheless, there is a number of diseases at which carboxytherapy can become the reason of an aggravation of symptoms of an organism.

Absolute contraindications to carboxytherapy are:

  • Recently postponed myocardial infarction;
  • Inflammatory process in the place of processing;
  • Renal and respiratory failure;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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