Among all fermented milk products which are produced in the world today kefir not without the reason wins first place, the share of its release makes 65% of the general production. If to tell about an origin of this product, then all scientists as one, say that its homeland is the Caucasus. It is logical as durability of the Caucasian people is explained by emergence of so useful food stuffs. But nevertheless the origin of the word designating the most useful fermented milk product is attributed to Turks in whose language it is also connected with good health and health.
Earlier in the Caucasus kefir was considered as the real gift of heaven which production secret Caucasians did not trust anybody. It today we already know that this remarkable product is made of special fungi which allocate it with really curative properties. Kefiric ferment had the highest value for mountaineers therefore the set of specific rituals and ceremonies was connected with it. The most fancy is that it was impossible to sell someone ferment, otherwise fungi will lose the magic properties. Therefore "stealing" was rather widespread – when to people who needed fungi owners suggested to kidnap imperceptibly them, and only after that the thief brought to the owner of "wonderful grains" the appointed sum. Also they could be given in a dowry to the girl, but the bride on the eve of the wedding also had to steal them further to bring in a new family.
The organism acquires kefir three times quicker, than milk, also this fermented milk product perfectly stimulates digestion thanks to what other food is acquired much quicker. It is known that assimilation of proteins not always happens easily, but any difficulties do not cause those proteins which contain in kefir.
Contents in a product of carbohydrates and fats, fatty and organic acids is also high. Besides, the advantage of kefir is also that it is a source of natural sugars and cholesterol, beta carotene, PP, C, A, H vitamins and groups B. A huge number in kefir and calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, selenium, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum and the mass of other minerals.
Kefir is a dietary product. The low-fat option contains only 32 kcal on 100 g, and the caloric content of the fattest look is equal to 58 kcal / 100.
According to responses, kefir is irreplaceable at gastritis which is characterized by the lowered acidity therefore it is recommended to be used regularly. Nutritionists advise people with such disease to drink it three times a day on a half-glass.
At digestion disturbance the advantage of kefir will be considerable if to use it without sugar. At desire it is possible to add 1 h l. honey. It is impossible to drink kefir which just from the refrigerator, it is also not recommended to use its superheated or warm, it is better that it was room temperature.
Properties of kefir help to cope perfectly with weights in a stomach and dysbacteriosis, sour-milk bacteria which live in it, speed up work of intestines, at the same time do not give an opportunity to various pathogenic organisms to breed, split casein which is difficult acquired, promote digestion of calcium, iron and vitamins, and also suppress various processes of rotting and fermentation.
Kefiric bacteria and in treatment of disturbances of work of endocrine system are irreplaceable, especially at a disease of a pancreas or a diabetes mellitus. The advantage of kefir consists also in normalization of level of glucose in blood.
Properties of kefir are delightful, responses confirm, at fight against obesity – it considerably improves work of intestines, and also helps an organism to get rid of slags and slime significantly quicker. It explains such popularity of kefiric diets. If kefir becomes a component of fasting days, then he will help to say goodbye to several extra kilos very quickly.
At the regular use of fermented milk product it is possible to say goodbye also to osteoporosis which is very serious problem. The good kefiric product contains a lot of calcium which is almost completely acquired.
At various allergic diseases and bronchial asthma it is worth drinking every morning a glass of this miracle drink, and during a season of aggravations it will help to get rid of attacks.
Properties of kefir help with fight against various problems of skin, such as rash, a peeling, a skin itch, they prevent emergence of sores and cracks. At the same time it is optional to use it inside, it is possible just to make lotions.
It is good to drink a product glass at a hypertension, especially, when doctors registered fractional food.
Scientists claim that kefir, responses confirm it, weakens and calms, it is capable to reduce irritability and to considerably reduce weight which is a stress effect. Generally, if you are in a depression, then it is better to begin each day with a glass of kefir.
Except advantage, kefir can bring also negative effects if not to know contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use a product to people at whom allergic reaction to any dairy and fermented milk products is observed.
The use of kefir and to the people inclined to dyspepsia, that is functional disorders of intestines is not recommended. Negative effects can arise also at suffering from stomach ulcer or hypersecretion of a gastric juice.
If to smile all twice a day – it is possible to lower blood pressure and to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes.
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