Main > Diseases> Keratoma


Кератома - лечение и профилактикаKeratoma – the high-quality skin new growth of dark brown color initially similar to a freckle. Over time the corneous layer of a skin epithelium promptly expands, the spot begins to rogovet, be shelled and turns into a dark plaque. The size of a keratoma of skin makes 1-2 cm, outgrowths can be single or multiple. The disease proceeds asymptomatically, affects people more often 50 years are more senior.

Types of a keratoma of skin

Allocate several types of these outgrowths:

  • The seborrheal keratoma (or a seborrheal keratosis) – develops in the form of a spot of brown or yellowish color which begins to increase quickly in sizes after a while, to darken and grow coarse. On it deep cracks can appear. The seborrheal keratoma – not the harmless phenomenon, it is followed by an itch, a peeling and even pain. A part of an outgrowth can sometimes disappear because of what there is bleeding. The infection therefore at damage of an outgrowth it is necessary to see a doctor can get to a wound. The keratoma of this type – multiple education, it can affect area under indumentum, skin standing, hands, a neck and a face. The disease proceeds is long, but malignant character gets seldom;
  • Senile or senile keratoma – multiple education with a whitish or gray shade. Age outgrowths appear at people after 30 years, usually on a neck, a face, brushes from the back, is more rare on a stomach, a back, a breast and legs. After a while education can increase in sizes and become covered by plaques. The senile keratoma is inclined to an inflammation, but seldom gets a malignant form;
  • Horn keratoma or skin horn – formation of a conical or linear shape. Has dark color and towers over skin on 5-7 mm. Such outgrowths can be single or multiple and arise on any body part. This type of a new growth can regenerate in a cancer tumor therefore he needs to be treated right after emergence;
  • White's disease – rather rare disease at which on skin there are gray or pink small knots, gistogenetichesk connected with hair follicles, the having 1,5-2 cm in the diameter. Such outgrowths are formed at women under indumentum over an upper lip;
  • The solar keratoma or ketaktinichesky keratosis – a disease of precancerous type which affects men is more senior than 40 years, is more often than white-skinned. New growths appear on the sites of skin opened to influence of direct sunshine in the form of the multiple dense centers of a hyperkeratosis which become covered by grayish dry scales. The disease proceeds slowly, gradually gaining malignant character and being transformed to planocellular cancer.

Keratosis reasons

Keratosis – quite widespread disease. It is not infectious, but it is considered that tendency to it is descended. The reasons of emergence of keratomas of skin are various and depend on a type of an outgrowth. It is considered that most often they are formed because of long stay of the open unprotected skin under direct sunshine. As reaction to surplus of ultraviolet in mature skin happens rapid growth of epidermis and its further keratinization. Therefore the people having tendency to emergence of keratomas should protect skin from hit of direct sunshine.

When the keratoma becomes dangerous

The keratosis begins with emergence on skin of a small convex spot of brown or grayish color which can be shelled. Gradually the sizes of a new growth increase, the crust from above appears. If it comes off, insignificant bleeding can begin that causes to the person a certain discomfort. Keratomas can develop in several places, as a rule, on the body parts open for sunshine at once. In itself they are not dangerous, and the person can live with such outgrowth all life. Danger appears at its regeneration in a malignant tumor, at the same time spots can expand and be transformed to planocellular cancer. It is impossible to expect such transition therefore doctors recommend to delete such new growths at once.

Treatment of a keratoma

It is important to understand that self-treatment or independent removal of a keratoma is fraught with serious effects for health. Traumatizing an outgrowth can promote its regeneration in a malignant tumor therefore only the doctor has to delete them. There are various methods of treatment of a keratosis:

  • Kriodestrukiya – removal of an outgrowth liquid nitrogen without anesthesia, is most often used for treatment of a keratoma of senile type;
  • Laser removal – the most effective method which does not have contraindications;
  • The radio surgery – a contactless method of removal of an outgrowth with use of a radio knife, does not leave hems and does not damage surrounding fabrics;
  • Electrothermic coagulation – thermal impact on the damaged area high-frequency current. It is most often used for removal of seborrheal keratomas;
  • Surgical intervention – a traditional way of removal of an outgrowth a standard scalpel under local anesthesia.

Treatment of a keratoma folk remedies

Лечение кератомы народными средствамиThere are also several national recipes of treatment of a keratosis:

  • Outgrowths on a face recommend to wipe with the calcinated warm vegetable oil for mitigation of roughnesses;
  • Senile keratomas it is possible to treat bay leaf ointment, it slows down growth of a tumor and takes off pain. For this purpose 6 leaves of laurels crush in powder, add a leaf of a juniper, mix with a 12-fold volume of butter, add on 100 g of the received mix of 15 drops of oil of a fir or a lavender;
  • Outgrowths of any type can be greased with the melted pork fat mixed with the crushed dry leaves of a celandine.

Use of folk remedies at a keratoma should be coordinated with the doctor. That treatment was effective, procedures need to be carried out regularly.

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