Main > Diseases> Cyst of a yellow body

Cyst of a yellow body

Опасность кисты желтого тела - перекрут ножки или разрыв ее капсулыDuring an ovulation there is a rupture of a follicle of an ovary, and the ovum comes to light. On site the burst follicle the temporary hemaden – the yellow body emitting progesterone is formed. If pregnancy does not occur, then the yellow body gradually begins to decrease in sizes and by 11 – 12 day after an ovulation it completely disappears, and on its place the hem – a white body of an ovary is formed. At pregnancy the yellow body functions up to 12 – 15 weeks, then its functions are undertaken by a placenta, and it cicatrizes.

If the yellow body for any reason does not decrease in sizes and begins to be filled with liquid (sometimes with the content of blood), then speak about formation of a cyst of a yellow body. This pathology meets rather seldom. Statistically this disease occurs at 2 – 5% of women of reproductive age.

The yellow body does not exceed in the diameter of 30 mm. If it becomes more, then it already is a sign of formation of a cyst. Cysts of a yellow body with a diameter from 60 to 80 mm are most often observed.

Cyst of a yellow body: reasons

Now the exact reasons of a cyst of a yellow body are unknown. It is considered that to their education various disturbances of a lymphokinesis and blood circulation bring in fabrics of a yellow body.

Also can be the reasons of a cyst of a yellow body:

  • Long reception of hormonal drugs;
  • Heavy mental and exercise stresses;
  • Work on harmful production;
  • Inflammatory diseases of female generative organs;
  • Irrational food, for example long and frequent observance of monodiets.

All these factors cause in the woman's organism various hormonal disturbances and as the investigations, can become the reason of formation of a cyst of a yellow body.

Quite often the cyst of a yellow body forms at pregnant women. It does not exert a negative impact on the course of pregnancy and fetation.

Cyst of a yellow body: symptoms

By the outward the cyst of a yellow body represents the small high-quality hollow education containing liquid. At small cysts of a yellow body disease symptoms usually are absent, and find them accidentally when performing ultrasonic examination of bodies of a small pelvis. Such cysts usually independently disappear during several menstrual cycles. The liquid which is contained in them resolves, and walls gradually fall down with formation of a scar.

The cyst of a yellow body of big diameter can stretch the capsule of an ovary and put pressure upon its fabrics. In this case patients complain that the cyst of a yellow body hurts them. These pains usually have the pulling and aching character, are localized in one lower half of a stomach and quite often irradiate (give) to the lumbar area.

Such symptoms of a cyst of a yellow body as various disturbances of a menstrual cycle (bleeding during the intermenstrual period, a periods delay) arise when education produces hormones.

Complications of a cyst of a yellow body

Danger of a cyst of a yellow body is that it can be complicated by torsion of a leg or a rupture of its capsule.

At a rupture of a cyst the woman begins to complain that it is strongly hurt by a cyst of a yellow body. Then there is nausea, dizziness, sharp weakness. This complication demands rendering the urgent surgical help. During operation make a resection of the site of an ovary or sewing up of a bed of a cyst.Киста желтого тела с разрывом капсулы

At torsion of a leg of a cyst of a yellow body in it the blood stream is broken. As a result of it death of fabric of a cyst (necrosis) begins and there is an inflammation which is very quickly thrown on the next bodies including on a peritoneum, causing development of such dangerous disease as peritonitis. At this complication the woman also needs an immediate surgery. Therefore if you are hurt by a cyst of a yellow body, then do not spend precious time for self-diagnostics, and urgently address the gynecologist!

Cyst of a yellow body: treatment

Small cysts of a yellow body with a diameter up to 40 mm usually do not demand any treatment and resolve independently during several menstrual cycles. Conservative treatment of a cyst of a yellow body is appointed in cases when the patient complains that it is hurt by a cyst of a yellow body or there are disturbances of menstrual function. Also conservative treatment is appointed to patients with recurrent cysts of a yellow body and when their diameter exceeds 40 mm.

The purposes of conservative treatment of a cyst of a yellow body are:

  • Compensation of a microelement and vitamin deficiency;
  • Normalization of exchange processes, and also functions of kidneys, digestive tract, liver;
  • Recovery of normal hormonal balance;
  • Treatment of chronic gynecologic diseases.

During treatment of a cyst of a yellow body sex life is not forbidden. However sexual intercourse has to be careful and careful not to lead to a rupture of a cyst or torsion of her leg. And here it is not desirable to carry out the physical exercises connected with sharp changes of position of a body or natuzhivaniye.

Surgical treatment of a cyst of a yellow body is carried out only in case of inefficiency of conservative therapy or at development of complications of a disease.

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