Main > Drugs> Lakhezis-plus


Гранулы гомеопатические Лахезис-плюсLakhezis-plus – the multicomponent homeopathic medicine used at a menopausal syndrome.

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – granules homeopathic: the correct spherical shape, homogeneous, white with a cream or gray shade or purely white color, inodorous (on 10, 15 or 20 g in banks, in a pack of cardboard 1 bank; on 5 g in cases, in a pack a cardboard 1 case; on 20 or 40 g in orange glass bottles, in a pack a cardboard 1 bottle).

Active agents:

  • Lakhezis мутус (лахезис) (Lachesis mutus (Lachesis)) C6;
  • Konium макулатум (кониум) (Conium maculatum (Conium)) C6;
  • Nitroglitserinum (глономиум) (Nitroglycerinum (Glonoinum)) C3;
  • Sanguinaria канаденсис (sanguinaria) (Sanguinaria canadensis (Sanguinaria) C3;
  • Tsinkum изовалерианикум (цинкум валерианикум) (Zincum isovalerianicum (Zincum valerianicum) C6;
  • Jaborandi leaf (yaborand) (Pilocarpus (Jaborandi)) C3.

Auxiliary components: granules sugar – 100 g.

Indications to use

Lakhezis-plus – drug for treatment of a menopausal syndrome easy and moderate severity.


  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components.

Route of administration and dosage

Drug is accepted inside sublingual: granules are put under language and held before their full dissolution.

Standard dose – on 8 granules of 5 times a day in intervals between food, in 30 minutes prior to meal or 1 hour later after food.

Duration of a medical course – up to 8 weeks. Depending on health of the woman and reaction to therapy the doctor can change treatment duration.

Side effects

According to data of official clinical trials cases of development of undesirable effects are not registered. Development of reactions of hypersensitivity to drug components is theoretically possible.

The beginning of therapy can be followed by strengthening of symptoms of pathology that is considered norm and does not demand drug withdrawal since temporary deterioration independently takes place at continuation of adequate treatment.

Special instructions

Patients with a diabetes mellitus have to consider that the daily dose of drug corresponds 0,13 grain units.

Negative impact on the speed of reactions and ability to concentration does not pay attention of Lakhezis-plus.

Just before and after reception of homeopathic granules it is not necessary to brush teeth and to smoke.

During treatment it is recommended to exclude from a dish diet with spices.

In case of lack of therapeutic effect or development of the side effects which are not described in the instruction to drug use it is necessary to see the attending physician.

Medicinal interaction

In need of Lakhezis-plus it is possible to appoint along with other medicines. However it is necessary to consider that all homeopathic remedies are not recommended to be applied in a combination with the drugs containing caffeine, menthol and alkaloids.

Terms and storage conditions

To store at a temperature up to 25 ºС in the dry, protected from light and influence of electromagnetic radiation place.

Period of validity – 5 years.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.