Main > Diseases> A lipoma on spin

Lipoma on spin

The lipoma is Липома на спине встречается частоthe benign tumor consisting of fatty tissue. Externally it represents the mobile and soft fatty education which is under skin. The lipoma can be formed practically on any place, but the lipoma on spin most often meets. The new growth does not mention nearby bodies but only moves apart fabric in process of growth. From surrounding fabric the tumor is separated by means of the capsule in which, actually, it also is.

The reasons of emergence of a lipoma on spin

The exact origin of a tumor is unknown. It is considered that the lipoma on spin and other parts of a body results from disturbance of exchange processes in an organism during which there is an obstruction of grease channels. In addition, there is a number of the factors contributing to formation of a lipoma on spin:

  • wrong way of life;
  • defective food;
  • constant mechanical irritation;
  • bad ecology in the place of residence.

So, it is often possible to meet a lipoma on spin at loaders and porters. There is it owing to specifics of their work.

Are more predisposed to emergence of a lipoma of the woman at the age of 30-50 years. The size of a lipoma can be a miscellaneous – from small small pea to the sizes of the children's head.

Lipoma symptoms on spin

Preferential the tumor has no the expressed symptoms, however at some people it causes the expressed pain. It is caused by what in the course of increase the tumor presses on nearby bodies and nerve terminations.

On spin of the size of a pea the patient or other people at massage or palpation of a back can find a lipoma absolutely accidentally. To the touch a lipoma elastic and soft, easily shifted, painless. As a rule, has the accurate oval or round form. At an intramuscular lipoma a clear boundary can be absent. Skin on a lipoma has the same color, as well as everywhere.

Diagnosis of a lipoma

The correct Категорически не рекомендуется самостоятельно удалять липомы на спинеdiagnosis of a lipoma presents certain difficulties.

For exact diagnosis of the patient direct to radiological diagnosis, a histologic research, ultrasonography and a computer tomography.

Treatment of a lipoma on spin

As a rule, at asymptomatic course of a tumor she is preferred not to be treated in general. Treatment is made if the lipoma gives to the patient cosmetic or other inconvenience, or quickly increases in sizes.

Drug treatment of a lipoma is inefficient. Besides, categorically it is not recommended to patients to be engaged independently in treatment or removal of a lipoma on spin as quite often it is possible to take a malignant tumor for a lipoma. If for treatment to use various compresses and ointments, it can lead only to increase in a tumor. It is impossible to open and raskovyrivat lipomas independently as it is fraught with entering of an infection. In lipomas of the big size there is a failure in process of food of fabrics that promotes corrosion of vessels, emergence of sores on skin, to ichorization.

The only admissible treatment of a lipoma is a surgical removal of a lipoma on spin or laser therapy. Today laser therapy is the most sparing and effective method of treatment of lipomas on a face, legs, hands and other body parts. As a rule, after laser therapy of a recurrence does not arise. The wound after laser treatment heals quickly enough, does not leave scars and hems. Therefore laser therapy is the most acceptable option.

Removal of a lipoma on spin is made by a liposuction method. Fat is sucked away through small cuts with a diameter of 0,3-0,5 cm. For this purpose use special vacuum. It is considered that this method of removal of lipomas on spin the easiest. Besides, after similar operation there is practically no trace left.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.