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Magnetic rings for weight loss

Magnetic rings for weight loss – new development of the Japanese science in the field of weight loss. Магнитные кольца для похудения - отзывы и рекомендацииRings are made of copper or medical silicone. On their internal surface the special magnet for weight loss is fixed. The effect of these products for weight loss is explained by impact on biologically active points of thumbs of feet. With a mechanical pressure upon specific points in an organism exchange processes which promote elimination of excess weight accelerate. Magnetic rings can use both women, and the man.

Copper and silicone magnetic rings for weight loss

There are copper and silicone magnetic rings for weight loss. Copper rings should be put on toes, and silicone products according to the instruction are put on fingers of hands. Silicone rings serve at the same time and ornament.

The copper ring represents a spiral from several rounds. Since both ends of a spiral magnets which are necessary for creation of a certain magnetic field are located. Magnetic field makes salutary impact on all organism. Under its influence biofields of an organism and physical and chemical composition of fabrics change, and also cardiac performance is adjusted, pressure is normalized. In many reviews of a magnetic ring for weight loss it is told that at regular wearing this ornament appetite decreases, the saved-up fatty deposits are burned and new are not formed.

The effect of such ring will differ depending on on what his finger it is dressed. When carrying a ring on different fingers of a hand it is possible to remove fatty deposits various problem areas. When carrying this means on a thumb the quantity of lipoblasts in a face, and on a little finger – in hips decreases. Regular carrying a ring on an index finger promotes weight loss in hands.

When carrying a copper magnetic ring for weight loss on a long finger fatty deposits on a stomach are gradually burned. And if to carry a ring on a ring finger, then it is possible to lose weight quickly enough in a waist.

Judging by reviews of magnetic rings for weight loss, the product from silicone has more advantages. Medical silicone is almost not swept up on a body. Besides on toes of a point are more active, than on hands. The silicone product is almost imperceptible for people around.

Silicone rings very softly fit toes, they easily act and put on. Producers recommend to wash this product with usual powder. It is impossible to dry a ring in the sun and to touch it with sharp objects. At discoloration of a magnetic ring its effectiveness does not change.

The silicone ring is dressed on the middle of a thumb so that camber in which the magnet for weight loss is located appeared from below. When walking all active points are actively massed and process of weight loss is started. At the same time those zones which rather difficult give in to correction are adjusted. At impact on the lower and middle part of a body hips, a stomach, inguinal area, an internal part of shins grow thin.

Features of use of magnets for weight loss

At massage of biologically active points certain impulses are sent to a brain, and the brain in reply forces to work muscles of a middle part of a body. At the same time metabolism process amplifies. That is it turns out that magnets for weight loss undertake functions of special diets and trainings that is very convenient. These products can be used throughout a long time. Как работают магниты для похуденияLong carrying a ring will not break microcirculation in adjacent areas and will not cause special discomfort. At long carrying it is necessary to try not to allow contacts of a magnetic ring with a surface of the pricking and sharp objects. Action of rings amplifies at regular performance of physical exercises, as a result of active stimulation of reflex zones and an intensification of microcirculation in the field.

Magnetic rings. Contraindications and side effects

Magnetic rings for weight loss cannot be used during pregnancy, and also at acute pathological processes.

Quite seldom at individual intolerance of magnetic rings the general and local temperature increase, rush of blood to foot fingers, emergence of discomfort and a pain syndrome, an itch when walking can be observed. At emergence of any of symptoms it is necessary to stop immediately use of this product for weight loss.

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