Main > Human organs> Head muscles

Head muscles

The special group of muscles in a body of the person is made by head muscles. They are subdivided on mimic and chewing.

Мышцы головы

Mimic muscles of the head, unlike all others are attached to bones only by one party, and the second they strongly intertwine with head skin tissues. Some of mimic muscles begin not from skull bones, and from sheaves. One more distinctive feature of mimic muscles of the head is that they have no fastion.

Upper part of the head is covered with a nadcherepny muscle. It is formed by two muscles – frontal and occipital. They are spliced with head skin and in particular are responsible for the movements of eyebrows.

The main masseters are temporal and a masseter. They are attached by one end to skull bones, and another to a mandible.

In addition to these muscles to an occipital part of the head it is attached as well the trapezoid muscle which is responsible for formations of a bearing and a ducking.

Head masseters: functions

Masseters are responsible for the speech, swallowing and the most important as clear already from their name, for the act of chewing. At their reduction there is a mandible shift, than and the chewing movements are caused.

Mimic muscles of the head: functions

This group of muscles of the head causes a rich facial expression of the person. Various looks result from various combinations of reduction of this muscular group. Mimic muscles are grouped around oral and palpebral fissures, acoustical and nasal openings. At their reduction the gleam of these natural foramens increases, and at relaxation decreases.

Spasm of muscles of the head

The headache, to a huge regret, is well familiar and not by hearsay to most of adults. The most widespread type of a headache is tension headache. It results from a spasm of muscles of the head – scalp muscles (occipital, temporal, frontal), facial and/or trapezoid muscles. Actually in this case not the head hurts, and head muscles hurt.

At a spasm of muscles of the head there is a squeezing of the blood vessels located in their thickness. It leads to development of ischemia (air hunger) of muscles, their hypostasis and pain. As a result patients begin to complain of the monotonous, squeezing, pulling together or gripping pains. They describe them rather figuratively: "Pulled together the head with a hoop, a helmet, a vice".

Why head muscles hurt?

The spasm of muscles of the head leading to a headache of an overstrain can be caused by various reasons:

  • Depressions, alarms, stress. In this case patients show complaints not only to a headache, but also various psychoemotional frustration – a bad dream, lack of appetite, decrease in intellectual and physical effeciency, the expressed feeling of fatigue, irritability, uneasiness.
  • The fatigue of muscles of the head caused by long stay in forced poses (driving of the car, long work at the computer, work on the conveyor with small objects, etc.).

What to do when head muscles hurt?

If you because of a spasm of muscles of the head had a headache attack, then it is not necessary at once to begin to accept the anesthetizing medicines. In many cases walk in the fresh air, a hot shower, a heat bath and massage of muscles of temples, a nape, forehead helps to eliminate a spasm of muscles of the head. This massage is rather simple, and it can be executed independently. If the listed above actions do not give relief, then it is possible to take one-two pill of any anesthetic of drug. If attacks of a headache of tension arise at you rather often, it is necessary to ask for medical care.

Whether you know that:

In operating time our brain spends the amount of energy equal to the 10 Watts bulb. So the image of a bulb over the head at the time of emergence of an interesting thought is not so far from the truth.