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Nukleo TsMF Forte

Nukleo TsMF Forte – the drug developed on the basis of pirimidinovy nucleotides, intended for treatment of pathologies of a peripheral nervous system. The Pirimidinovy complex is unique drug of a favorable profile of safety, high level of a combination with other medicines without side effects and effects of interaction.

Drug pharmacodynamics

Нуклео ЦМФ Форте – препарат, предназначенный для лечения патологий периферической нервной системыPathology of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) – one of the most frequent reasons of the address to the neuropathologist. Dysfunctions of PNS take the leading place among the reasons of long disability of patients.

Peripheral nervous system – the internal mechanism of an organism connecting the central nervous system (a head and spinal cord) to other bodies. PNS did not receive natural powerful mechanisms of protection unlike TsNS which is protected by a bone skeleton and a blood-brain barrier that does PNS very vulnerable to external mechanical damages, and also to influence of negative factors.

Two types of neurons are involved in a peripheral nervous system:

  • The sensitive sensory neurons transferring impulses in TsNS;
  • The sensitive motor neurons transferring impulses from TsNS.

Today more than 100 factors making negative impact on neurons and promoting disturbance of their function (carrying out impulses) among which distinguish are established:

  • Toxins;
  • Diseases of various character;
  • Viral and bacterial damages of an organism;
  • Medicines;
  • Unfavorable conditions of the environment;
  • Mechanical injuries.

There are four types of reaction of nerve fibrils to the striking factors, the majority of which TsMF is Forte capable to stop to Nukleo, having recovered sensitivity of a nervous shoot:

  • Reaction of vallerovsky regeneration (on crossing of a nervous shoot);
  • Aksonopatiya consisting in a degeneration or an atrophy of nerve fibril (the least studied PNS pathology);
  • Partial demyelination (a segment miyelinopatiya – damage of myelin covers with preservation of the nerve);
  • Neyronopatiya – primary disturbance of a neurocyton.

In modern medical practice treatment of pathologies of PNS preferential comes down to stopping of a symptomatic complex without elimination of the reasons that does treatment ineffective and long.

Nukleo of TsMF Forte is unique drug thanks to its structure. The Pirimidinovy nucleotides applied at the heart of an innovative pirimidinovy complex play the leading role in recovery of many morphological structures (elements) of a peripheral nervous system, normalize momentum transfer in and from TsNS.

Pirimidinovy nucleotides as a part of innovative drug:

  • Cytidine-5-monofosfat (TsMF) – the nucleotide is involved in synthesis of the difficult lipidic complexes creating a neyronalny membrane. This nucleotide is the main structural component of a myelin cover (the electric insulating cover covering axons). Damages of a myelin cover at some diseases lead to a lack of coordination and balances. TsMF is a predecessor of the main RNA and DNA nucleic acids playing the main role in cellular metabolism;
  • Uridine-5-triphosphate (UTF) – a nucleotide as a part of drug supplements action of TsMF, and also, acting as a coenzyme, stimulates synthesis of glycolipids of myelin covers.

Thus, Nukleo's drug of TsMF Forte promotes bystry regeneration of nerve fibrils and their myelin covers after injury of nerves of PNS.

Application instruction

Use of the latest drug on pirimidinovy nucleotides transferred traditional therapy of pathologies of PNS to qualitatively new level. Nukleo of TsMF Forte is an effective remedy at the following diseases of PNS:

  • Neuropathy of various etiology – disturbance of functioning of a nervous system bone and joint, metabolic (including alcoholic, diabetic polyneuropathy), infectious character;
  • Neuralgia, neuritis, plexites;
  • Vertebrogenny pain syndrome;
  • Herpes Zoster;
  • Myopathies;
  • Hand tunnel syndrome;
  • Paralysis Bella.

Nukleo's drug of TsMF Forte which instruction provides its use only according to the instruction of the attending physician is produced in two forms: capsules and ampoules. Medicine is shown both to children, and adults. At Nukleo's use of TsMF Forte the instruction does not specify contraindications, side effects and reactions of interaction with other drugs. TsMF is Forte allowed Nukleo for pregnant women and the nursing patients. However in such situation it is necessary to use drug only in coordination with the doctor.

Drug does not influence ability of the person to control of the vehicles and other mechanisms requiring special attention in any way. At therapy by drug of new generation of Nukleo of TsMF Forte, the instruction regulates a dosage and duration of administration of drug.

Advantages of use

Нуклео ЦМФ Форте ампулы назначаются детям от 2 летDrug in the form of capsules is appointed to adults and children of 5 years in a dosage on 1-2 capsules a day for achievement of notable therapeutic effect.

Nukleo of TsMF forte ampoules have undoubted advantages at therapy of pathologies of PNS. At invasive therapy (injection) drug gets directly to blood while effect of active agents at reception in capsules is slowed down in view of assimilation duration in a GIT. Nukleo of TsMF Forte ampoules are appointed to children of 2 years, and also to elderly people. Nukleo's complex of TsMF Forte contains 1 ampoule of powder of drug and 1 ampoule of solution for injections in ampoules. The course lasts from 3 to 6 days, then the course is continued by administration of drug in capsules.

Responses and recommendations of doctors

Nukleo's drug of TsMF Forte, responses of which position it as an effective remedy at treatment of pathologies of PNS, is the unique means which does not have contraindications, side effects and not interacting with the other medicines used in complex therapy.

Nukleo's capsules of TsMF Forte, responses of which it is possible to find in various sources, have the following effects:

  • Active regeneration of covers of nerve fibrils;
  • Recovery of conductivity of nerve fibrils, normalization of correct carrying out impulses;
  • Recovery of a muscular trophicity (the processes of cellular food promoting preservation of structure and function of bodies and fabrics);
  • Improvement of mobility and sensitivity of the damaged site;
  • Reduction of pain, symptoms of inflammatory processes in the struck fabrics, feelings of numbness.

Efficiency of drug is proved by practical observations and retrospective researches. Most of the patients receiving Nukleo TsMF Forte therapy noted improvement of dynamics of recovery, bystry return to a normal way of life, considerable improvement of quality of life.

Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.