Main > Diseases> Piospermiya


Piospermiya – existence of inflammatory process in urinogenital system of the man at which in semen pus appears.Пиоспермия – наличие воспалительного процесса в мочеполовой системе мужчины Semen at the same time quite often has a grayish-greenish shade and possesses an unpleasant smell. Various departments of generative organs can be sources of pus, but preferential it is appendages of testicles, seed bubbles, an urethra or a prostate gland. Toxins are emitted with microorganisms and make negative impact on spermatozoa, breaking their mobility and increasing quantity of pathological forms that is natural, does a piospermiya and pregnancy by almost incompatible concepts.

Piospermiya reasons

Quite often such serious diseases as tuberculosis of testicles or a prostate become the reasons of a piospermiya. Often piospermiya accompany such diseases as an oligospermatism, a hemospermia, a teratozoospermia.

The started stages of an urethritis, the epididymite, orchitis and other diseases leading to the fact that sperm is filled with the causative organisms and products of cellular disintegration emitting poisonous toxins can serve as the reason of a piospermiya.

Diagnosis of a piospermiya

Irrespective of the reason, availability of pus in sperm always demonstrates presence of any urological disease. For adequate treatment of a piospermiya the man needs to undergo the comprehensive urological examination including such researches:

  • ultrasonic examination of bodies of urinogenital system;
  • inspection on existence of the diseases which are transmitted by means of sexual contact;
  • crops of sperm on sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • crops of sperm on flora.

Piospermiya symptoms

The main external symptom of a piospermiya is essential deterioration of sperm. Semen becomes glaucous color and has unpleasant, sometimes quite pungent smell. As this disease promotes delay of mobility of spermatozoa, pregnancy at a piospermiya is represented improbable.

By results of a spermogram the increased maintenance of leukocytes is defined. Quite often in sperm pathological processes, pathogenic microorganisms and the remains of cellular disintegration are found.

In the presence of Аппарат для диагностики пиоспермииpus it is necessary to suspect of sperm at the patient the following signs:

  • hypostases in a groin;
  • pains in pelvic area;
  • painful erection or dysfunction of an erection;
  • scrotum tumor;
  • headache, general weakness, fervescence;
  • painful feelings at an ejaculation and an urination.

It should be noted that there is also false piospermiya when pus gets into sperm as a result of its passing on urethral and to seed channels, but it is not formed directly during a spermatogenesis.

Treatment of a piospermiya

As for treatment of this disease, first of all it consists in identification of the reason. Piospermiya is not an independent disease, and it is rather the sign testimonial of existence of inflammatory process in urinogenital system. After identification of the reason it is possible to appoint antiinflammatory therapy.

If to speak directly about process of treatment of a piospermiya, then it has to be carried out under control of the experienced doctor. Adequate treatment is possible only after the final diagnosis confirmed with comprehensive examination. Incorrectly made diagnosis can cause serious complications.

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