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Throat cancer

Человек болеющий раком гортаниThroat cancer meets quite seldom, makes about 2% of all malignant oncological diseases. Unlike many of them, in most cases developing of throat cancer it is possible to establish accurate dependence on a cancerogenic factor, in this case smoking is basic of which. On the second place among provocative factors – an alcoholism, on the third – production, harmful to respiratory tracts (a woodworking, paint and varnish works, etc.). Are most subject to throat cancer of the man of 60-75 years. According to thirty-year prescription of the woman developed throat cancer 20 times more rare, now the gap is reduced that doctors connect with distribution of smoking among women.

Throat cancer develops not at once, usually it is preceded is long the proceeding precancerous diseases. Treat them: throat dyskeratoses (a leukoplakia, a leukokeratosis), a pachydermia, papillomas, fibroma, cysts, throat hems as a result of the postponed diseases or injuries, and also chronic inflammatory processes in the throats accompanied with smoking and frequent alcohol intake.

In 97% of cases throat cancer develops in nadskladochny or depository (containing phonatory bands) department of a throat, and only in 3% in subdepository (lower) department. Cancer of upper parts of a throat proceeds more zlokachestvenno, the rapid current and development of metastasises is characteristic of it.

Throat cancer symptoms

Throat cancer symptoms, especially early, are not specific, that is inherent to this disease therefore at emergence of one or two of them it is necessary to see a doctor urgently. As well as for many other malignant processes, the asymptomatic beginning is characteristic of throat cancer.

The voice osiplost belongs to the earliest symptoms of throat cancer, especially it concerns tumors of upper parts. Usually it does not give a special inconvenience, and the patient does not pay attention to change of a voice, or connects it with smoking. Long, persistent cough is also often written off for smoking though it can be one more symptom of throat cancer.

There is a feeling of a foreign body in a throat, at first when swallowing, then constantly there is a feeling which patients describe as "a lump in a throat". Gradually symptoms of intoxication tumor decomposition products join: general breakdown, sleep disorders, loss of weight. In process of growth of a malignant tumor, symptoms of throat cancer accrue, the osiplost can turn into total loss of a voice – an aphonia, becomes frequent visible a swelling on a neck, in the field of phonatory bands, there is a pain syndrome in the form of a constant pharyngalgia or to a fish soup, the complicated swallowing.

In the started stage of throat cancer becomes complicated breath, there is a purulent phlegm, is frequent with blood impurity, accompanied with a putrefactive smell from a mouth.

Throat cancer stages

  1. in situ cancer, or cancer on site. The tumor is in limits of a mucous membrane, in one of departments of a throat.
  2. The tumor is in limits of a mucous membrane and a submucosal layer, occupies completely one department of a throat. Metastasises are absent, mobility of a throat is kept (the tumor did not sprout surrounding fabrics).
  3. a) the tumor sprouts the next fabrics, but does not go beyond one department,
    b) the tumor extends to several departments of a throat. Single mobile metastasises in regional lymph nodes are defined.
  4. a) the tumor is extended to the most part of a throat, the throat is soldered to the next fabrics,
    b) the tumor extends to the next bodies,
    c) a tumor with motionless metastasises in regional lymph nodes,
    d) a tumor with the remote metastasises.

Diagnosis of throat cancer

Apply a laringoskopiya to diagnosis of throat cancer - an endoscopic research of a throat. At detection of symptoms of throat cancer CT (computer tomography) or MRT (magnetic and resonant tomography) carry out that allows to define exact location of a tumor, its sizes, and also existence or lack of metastasises. The cellular structure of a tumor of throat cancer is defined by a biopsy – capture on a research of a small piece of fabric of a tumor. The biopsy is carried out to laringoskopiya time.

Cancer therapy of a throat

To cancer therapy of a throat it is applied medicamentous and beam therapies, and also a surgical oncotomy. The choice of a method depends on throat cancer stage. At early stages - the first and second, the main method is radiation.

At distribution of process carry out the combined treatment in the form of a tumor resection with the subsequent radiation therapy. In the third and fourth stage of throat cancer make a laryngectomy, i.e. a total resection of a throat, with the subsequent radiation. The chemotherapy at cancer therapy of a throat is applied only as the additional method directed to fight against metastasises or in cases of inoperable cancer in an end-stage to simplification of a condition of the patient.

Forecast of throat cancer

Прогноз и профилактика рака гортаниAt in time the carried-out cancer therapy of a throat the forecast can be favorable, especially if treatment is begun at early stages of a disease, the first or second. Five-year survival after the carried-out treatment at the first stage of throat cancer makes about 94% if treatment was begun at the second stage – 87%. Germination of a tumor in the next fabrics and bodies, and also existence of the metastasises, especially remote as it is a process generalization sign worsens the forecast of throat cancer.

Prevention of throat cancer

The main prevention of throat cancer is the refusal of addictions, first of all from smoking. It is established that if to refuse smoking, alcohol intake and to be engaged in fortifying procedures, then even already developed throat cancer in a stage of in situ can undergo involution. During the work on harmful production it is necessary to observe safety measures and to carry respirators. Considering that symptoms of throat cancer can be not too expressed even at quite considerable tumor, at their emergence you should not tighten a visit to the doctor.

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