Main > Food stuffs> Rhubarb


From roots of a rhubarb it is possible to cook tasty pies and compotes, and leaves use as spice. Medicinal properties of a rhubarb allow to use its roots for production of medicines.



Rhubarb – the plant relating to family of the Buckwheat family. In total there are about 20 species of a plant, the majority of which can be used in food and in the medical purposes. It is considered that the rhubarb is from Asia, and its cultivation happened in ancient China where about three thousand more years applied it B.C. as a medicinal plant. A little later it extended in Persia, and in the Middle Ages it was delivered to Europe by the Arab merchants. Now the rhubarb is grown up preferential in Asia, America and Europe, and most of all it is widespread in the USA and Great Britain.

In food apply generally scapes and sometimes young leaves of a rhubarb. It jelly, fruit jelly, kissels add to salads, borsches and soups, sauces, compotes, some jam, and also use as a sweet stuffing for pies. Leaves of a rhubarb are used as spice for fishing industry. And here rhizomes and roots are widely applied in pharmaceutics to production of medicines.

Structure and caloric content of a rhubarb

In 100 g of a rhubarb 92,6 g of water, 3,7 g of carbohydrates, 1,8 g of cellulose, 0,9 g of proteins, 0,76 g of ashes, 0,2 g of fats contain; vitamins: And, B1, B2, PP, B6, B9, C, E, K, B4; macrocells: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium; microelements: zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese.

Caloric content of a rhubarb makes 21 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Medicinal and useful properties of a rhubarb

Thanks to the numerous useful properties the rhubarb is used for production of medicines. For example, from roots of a plant drug chrysarobin which is applied to treatment of psoriasis turns out. In small doses apply rhubarb powder as antiinflammatory and astringent, to improvement of appetite and normalization of activity of digestive tract.

Medicinal properties of a rhubarb use at Qatar of intestines and stomach, at dyspepsia. In moderate dosages powder of a rhubarb works also as cholagogue means, and in high doses it is applied as light laxative at an atony of intestines and locks. Use it for a chair softening at cracks of a rectum and hemorrhoids.

In traditional medicine medicinal properties of a rhubarb use at tuberculosis, an anemia, various frustration of the alimentary system and diseases of a gall bladder.

It is necessary to know that at prolonged use useful properties of a rhubarb decrease therefore it is necessary to alternate it to other drugs.

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In high doses the rhubarb has a number of contraindications which treat:

  • Cholecystitis;
  • Nephrolithiasis;
  • Bleedings in digestive tract;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hemorrhoids with bleedings;
  • Oksaluriya and inflammatory diseases of a bladder;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Tendency to a diarrhea;
  • Acute appendicitis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Gout.

Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.