Main > Food stuffs> Sbiten


Sbiten is traditional Slavic drink which is made of honey, water, spices and officinal herbs.

Origin history сбитня

Сбитень - славянский медовый напитокThe first references of the sbiyena were recorded in the Old Russian chronicles dated 1128. Sbiten received the name from a way of preparation at which in separate vessels drew herbs and honey, and then mixed them and added water. On the consistence this drink is the concentrated dense liquid from several main ingredients.

Slavs called this drink a repitch or a pitch, cooked it in samovars and gave to a table as hot drink. In the 13th century began to add a St. John's Wort, siliculose pepper, a sage, mint, bay leaf and ginger to sbiten. Drink began to be considered medicinal and useful at treatment of catarrhal diseases.

In the 16th century in the Domestic tyranny various recipes сбитня, its structure and properties were in detail described.

Since 1917 this drink lost the popularity up to the 1990th years when its revival and attempt of promoting in Eastern Europe began.

Preparation сбитня

There are several main ways of preparation сбитня which differ on the used processes and ingredients. In a compounding it is possible to vary different types of spices and herbs, to use a St. John's Wort, cinnamon, hot pepper, a coriander and ginger.

Allocate simple and scalded ways of preparation сбитня.

Scalded sbiten undergoes fermentation process, and as the main ingredients use 100 g of honey, home brew, yeast, vinegar, spicy herbs (cardamom, mint, a St. John's Wort, cinnamon, ginger, a carnation), nutmeg and 4 l of water. For water use only the enameled ware in which bring to boiling honey with water, and then add 1 spoon of yeast and draw drink within 14 hours. At the final stage drink is placed in the cold place for several days that it infused and developed the characteristic taste.

At an easy way of preparation in one capacity pour 200 ml of water, and in another – 800 ml. In the first capacity boil water with honey before emergence of a skin, and in the second capacity bring to boiling water with spices. Both capacities have to infuse within an hour, and then mix them.

Its taste and aroma depends on the sequence and correctness of stages of preparation сбитня. In addition to addition in sbiten of spices, in it it is possible to pour in a small amount of fruit juice.

Useful properties сбитня

Hot and cold sbiten has various useful properties. The advantage сбитня is high, thanks to components which are its part (honey and officinal herbs).

Hot sbiten possesses antiinflammatory, antiviral and warming actions. This drink will approach as fortifying means during the winter period of year.

Cold sbiten is good drink for a thirst satisfying in the summer and recovery of a water balance in an organism after intensive loadings and trainings.Рецепт приготовления сбитня

The advantage сбитня as the tonic, immunomodulatory and recovering drink after the postponed inflammatory and viral diseases, injuries, bruises and operational interventions is high.

Honey contains vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and potassium. This component provides improvement of intellectual and physical functions of an organism, improves a state at anemia, cardiovascular diseases, digestive disturbances, a meteorism and skin rashes.

The carnation and cinnamon in the sbiyena normalize the content of sugar and cholesterol in blood, possess antifungal action, and cardamom and mint improve a condition of a nervous system.


Sbiten is contraindicated to the use at individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions to its components. Also this drink is not recommended to people with diseases of lungs, serious violations of cerebral circulation and a serious illness of the alimentary system.

Sbiten is caloric drink which cannot be included in structure of the dietary menu.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.