Main > Diseases> Cervical lymphadenitis

Cervical lymphadenitis

Cervical lymphadenitis is an inflammation of lymph nodes in a neck. As the independent disease arises extremely seldom. Generally is minor manifestation of distribution in an organism of inflammatory processes. The infection gets into cervical lymph nodes with a blood flow or through open wound surfaces.Воспаление лимфатических узлов в области шеи - шейный лимфаденит

Main symptoms of cervical lymphadenitis:

  • Consolidations on a neck, offending at palpation;
  • Deterioration in overall health;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Headache.

At an acute form of cervical lymphadenitis severe suppurations of lymph nodes are formed. Chronic lymphadenitis of cervical area is shown at each disease of cold or flu.

Cervical lymphadenitis: reasons

The reasons of cervical lymphadenitis – the local or disseminated (disseminated) bactericidal infections. Depending on localization of a source inflame:

  • Submandibular lymph nodes – are surprised at infection in a mouth and a face;
  • Retropharyngeal lymph nodes – are infected with nasopharynx microorganisms;
  • Superficial cervical lymph nodes – a consequence of infection of adjacent sites of skin;
  • All cervical lymph nodes, bilateral global inflammation – is caused by an infectious mononucleosis, a toxoplasmosis, secondary syphilis, infiltrative defeats.

Recurrent lymphadenitis of cervical area develops owing to a lymphogranulomatosis or an immunodeficiency of an organism.

Such developing or postponed diseases and pathologies can be the reasons of cervical lymphadenitis:

  • Nasopharynx inflammations;
  • Various allergic reactions;
  • Disbolism;
  • Pathology of connecting fabrics;
  • Dysfunction of a thyroid gland;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Alcoholism;
  • HIV infection.

Cervical lymphadenitis at children

Cervical lymphadenitis at children proceeds more actively, than at adults. The children's immune system only forms and is not able to cope with infection at once.

The chronic form of cervical lymphadenitis at children is shown only by increase in lymph nodes in a neck. At palpation they poorly painful or do not hurt absolutely. Temperature is normal, health of the child good.

The acute form of cervical lymphadenitis at children is shown as follows:

  • Temperature rises to 38 degrees and above;
  • The sleep and appetite is interrupted;
  • The child complains of a headache, severe pain in places of increase in lymph nodes;
  • In a neck severe hypostasis is formed;
  • At babies the general intoxication of an organism is observed.

In that case it is necessary to address immediately the pediatrician who will define the reasons and will appoint a course of treatment. At intoxication it is necessary to take measures for its termination urgently.

Serious complications in further development of the child can become result of self-treatment or wrong treatment.

Cervical lymphadenitis at adults

Cervical lymphadenitis at adults – rather serious disease. Lymphatic system of one of the first reacts to the infections getting to an organism and signals about infection with a hyperadenosis. At detection of consolidations it is necessary to undergo inspection at the otolaryngologist and the stomatologist in cervical area. The inflammation of cervical lymph nodes at adults forms owing to:

  • Various diseases of a respiratory organs – ORZ, flu, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • Slow diseases of an oral cavity – periodontosis, caries, an ulitis;
  • Existence of cancer cells (extremely seldom).Пневмония - одна из причин шейного лимфаденита у взрослых

Cervical lymphadenitis: treatment

Treatment of cervical lymphadenitis should be begun with definition of the prime cause of infection and elimination of the infectious center. After flu, quinsy, ORZ lymph nodes recover without drug treatment. In other cases the doctor can appoint antiinflammatory drugs (Prednisolonum, делтасон, Medrolum).

At more serious stages, at an inflammation and suppuration of cervical lymph nodes, reception of antibiotics is appointed. The group of antibiotics depends on a range of sensitivity of a contagium. If the tubercular stick served as the reason of an infection, treatment needs to be carried out in the conditions of a hospital by special antitubercular therapy.

To accelerate process of treatment of cervical lymphadenitis are recommended:

  • Different types of physical therapy – a medicinal electrophoresis, galvanization, UVCh-therapy;
  • Antiinflammatory ointments;
  • The drugs recovering immunity – immunostimulators, polyvitamins, drugs with the high content of vitamin C;
  • Plentiful drinking regime and finding of the patient in heat, without drafts and overcoolings.

If treatment of cervical lymphadenitis did not yield results and in a lymph node suppuration was formed – its opening is necessary. Surgery in the course of which suppuration is opened is performed, pus is removed and the wound is drained.

Categorically treatment of cervical lymphadenitis in house conditions is not recommended in the national ways. In most cases such treatment is dangerous. Lymph nodes cannot be warmed up, pounded and applied on them an iodic grid. It is possible to use tinctures or broths only after consultation with the attending physician.

Untimely treatment of cervical lymphadenitis can lead to thrombophlebitis or sepsis.

For prevention it is necessary to follow elementary rules of hygiene at cuts and injuries, to watch carefully the general state of health and to strengthen immunity.

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