
Plum – the fruit plant growing in a northern moderate belt. In the nature there are 36 different types of plum. Biologists consider that it appeared thanks to crossing of a sloe and cherry plum, these conclusions are supported with the made experiments and genetic researches.


Plum is widely cultivated in the territory of Russia and is famous for excellent tastes of fruits. Its beneficial influence on health of the person is also widely known. Thanks to the microelements which are a part, vitamins and nutrients of discharge helps to support good health and normalizes work of various systems of an organism.

Advantage of plum

The advantage of plum is in many respects caused by richness of vitamin P, and also substances with similar to this vitamin action. Strong blood vessels and normal arterial pressure are what vitamin P is responsible for. It is especially important that this vitamin remains also when processing plum. Heat treatment only slightly reduces the content of vitamin P in the made products.

But the advantage of plum is not limited to one vitamins. It is rich with potassium salts which are necessary microelements for normal cardiac performance, and also are acid-base equilibrium regulators in cells, fabrics and bodies. Potassium improves removal of excess liquid from an organism, and also promotes a bile production. Contains in 100 grams of plum about 214 milligrams of potassium that corresponds to 10% of daily requirement of this microelement for normal life activity of the person.

Plum and its dried fruits (prunes) possess soft laxative action that allows to recommend plum at locks and at problems with functioning of intestines. Excess of cholesterol in blood can also be reduced, eating juice and plum compotes. At the same time figures of arterial pressure are also normalized and the risk of development of arrhythmias decreases.

Disbolism, thromboses, rheumatism, hypostases, disturbance of gastric secretion, disease of kidneys, liver and gall bladder – here not the complete list of disturbances at which all advantage of plum fully reveals.

It is important to remember that, as well as any medicinal plant, plum demands the correct approach to preparation. For example, if to drink plum compote, then the easy aperient effect will be noticeable. If to discharge (and it is better) to fill in prunes with boiled water and to drink this infusion then the beneficial influence on digestive tract, kidneys, a liver and heart will be observed rather. The right compounding will help to choose an optimal variant for a specific disease.

Dried fruits of plum (prunes) have very expressed useful properties and are simple in preparation. The dried plum will allow to profit all the year round from this plant and to use prunes at preparation of various dishes. Prunes pies, compotes and just dried fruits will become excellent addition to a winter feast.

Fresh plum is also very useful. For improvement of health and mood recommend to eat in the morning several plums, and during the day it is a little more.

Lotions from broth of leaves of plum can be used for acceleration of healing of wounds and cuts. Besides, leaves contain the substances preventing formation of blood clots on walls of vessels.

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Plum caloric content

Caloric content of plum makes 42 kcal on 100 g of fruits. Considering average need of the person for energy, it is possible to say that the moderate use of plum in a diet will not have an adverse effect on body weight.

Contraindications to the plum use

Prunes are not used at a diabetes mellitus and obesity. At kids of plum can provoke rumbling and abdominal pains, diarrhea and other digestive disturbances so they should recommend plum with care.

In view of plum caloric content figures, its use people, corpulent and inclined to obesity, should limit. Plum juice adversely influences the course of gout.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.