Sports diet

Sports diet – the adequate diet of food developed for the people who are actively doing different sports. The menu of a sports diet has to include enough the carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements necessary not only for maintenance of life activity of an organism, but also for providing it with energy in the course of various exercise stresses.Особенности меню спортивной диеты

By drawing up a sports diet it is necessary to consider the increased water consumption, proteins and carbohydrates with increase in exercise stresses.

The diet of a sports diet has to provide an organism:

  • Carbohydrates for additional energy. Norm of 5-10 g/kg of weight of the athlete depending on a sex, age, sport;
  • Proteins (proteins) for maintenance of muscle bulk, recovery of the damaged fabrics. Energy from proteins only 12-15% arrive a little. The norm varies from 0,8-1,0 g/kg at small loadings to 1,8-2,0 g/kg at athletes of security officers. Unreasonable increase in quantity of proteins can lead to increase in fatty deposits, dehydration, osteoporosis;
  • The fats which are an important component of food in number of at most 30% of calories of the general as athletes receive the main energy from carbohydrates. The excess amount of fats will lead to delay of digestion and will worsen health;
  • Liquid in enough. In the course of the trainings loss of liquid makes 1-3 l an hour, in addition liquid is lost with urine. All these expenses need to be compensated by plentiful drink;
  • Vitamins and minerals in enough for ensuring normal functioning of all systems and bodies. At active exercise stresses it is impossible to receive them only from a diet, it is recommended to accept vitamin and mineral complexes.

In a sports diet not only the diet, but also reception time is important. In the course of the trainings food badly is digested and gives unnecessary load of an organism. Therefore it is necessary to eat a minimum in 2 hours prior to a training, but food has to be plentiful and full, with enough carbohydrates and proteins. In case of feeling of hunger just before occupations on a sports diet it is possible to eat something from "bystry carbohydrates" (chocolate). In 2 hours after the training it is necessary to eat for fixing of results again.

Sports diet for weight loss

Sports diet for weight loss – specially made food allowance of athletes for dumping of weight. The healthy sports nutrition is necessary for weight reduction in certain sports to get to desirable weight category or as the preparatory period before "drying" in fitness, bodybuilding, etc.

The sports diet for weight loss gives the greatest effect in combination with power exercises 2-3 times a week. The healthy sports nutrition fractional, enriched with cellulose, protein, complex carbohydrates and a complex of vitamins and minerals switches an organism to the mode of combustion of fats, promotes recovery of muscular tissue, accelerates a metabolism.

The recommended menu of sports food for combustion of fat:

  • The I breakfast – 1 glass of 2,5% of fat content of kefir, either 2 average sweet-sour apples, or 1 banana. Such breakfast is acquired quickly and easily. For the best digestion of nutrients and vitamins it is necessary to have tea or coffee in half an hour after meal;
  • The II breakfast at choice:

- Carrot and cabbage salad – 200 g, any fast meat of 100 g, 2 proteins of eggs. On a frying pan without oil the omelet from meat and proteins prepares. Black bread – 30 g, a cup of tea with honey and a lemon is resolved;

- Boiled brown rice – 100 g, 2 proteins, chicken meat – 100 g to bake in an oven. To fill salad from a laminaria with olive oil. A cup of coffee without sugar;

- Vegetable salad – 100 g. Sandwich from chicken breast cut – 100 g, 20 g of cheese, 5 g of oil of creamy, black bread of 30 g. Coffee or tea;

  • Lunch of a sports diet at choice:

- Meatless fast borsch, paprika a white cabbage salad, 100 g of boiled veal, 30 g of black bread, svezheotzhaty fruit juice of 100 ml;

- Ragout from stewed vegetables (200 g) with meat (100 g), 30 g of black bread, dried apricots of 1-2 pieces. Coffee or tea;

- Vegetable solyanka – 250 ml, low-fat fish on couple – 150 g, a white cabbage lemon juice and olive oil salad;

  • Having a snack between meals for a satisfying of feeling of hunger and addition of a diet with vitamins – apple, either orange, or a half-glass of svezheotzhaty fruit juice;
  • Dinner at choice:

- The porridge cooked on water (200 g), any vegetables salad (100 g);

- Fish or fast meat (150 g) prepare together with broccoli and greens.

Weekly in a sports diet fasting days are obligatory: kefiric or on mineral water. If it is difficult, then fasting days on vegetable lemon juice salads without addition of oil or apple are allowed.

At sports food for combustion of fat it is necessary to drink 2-3 liters of the pure Vod daily, to limit consumption of salt and to accept in addition a complex of minerals and vitamins.

Such sports diet belongs to the category of "strict", permission of your attending physician is necessary for its use.Особенности спортивного питания для сжигания жира

Secrets of sports food

In lives of athletes, both professionals, and fans, the healthy sports nutrition it is very important. Not only sporting achievements, but also the state of health, normal functioning of an organism in the course of the trainings and in everyday life depend on it.

The secret of sports food consists in strict observance of ten basic rules:

  • 1 – Various sources of protein. Protein as animal origin, and vegetable is necessary for an organism for full proteinaceous synthesis of all necessary amino acids;
  • 2 – Natural products. Food needs to be cooked, it is better to buy products in the markets;
  • 3 – Only fresh vegetables and fruit. The cellulose which is contained in fresh fruit and vegetables promotes digestion improvement;
  • 4 – Correct preparation. To use only fresh products for cooking, to eat the prepared dishes at once;
  • 5 – Small portions of meal. Small portions of food, its frequent receptions promote fuller assimilation of nutrients. Process of a catabolism – an albuminolysis of muscles is slowed down;
  • 6 – Careful chewing. The main condition of effective digestion consists in careful chewing of food, it, for example, raises extent of digestion of protein for 20-25%;
  • 7 – Correct drink. It is necessary to drink in 10-20 minutes prior to food, in 30-60 minutes later and during the day between meals. Any drinks with gas are strictly forbidden;
  • 8 – Is not before going to bed. Power emission from the eaten food will break dream depth, and carbohydrates are transformed to fats;
  • 9 – To observe a diet. Important not only regularly and in time to eat food, but also to coordinate its reception with trainings;
  • 10 – Additives of vitamins and microelements. At active exercise stresses of the microelements and vitamins arriving with food it is not enough for full functioning.

In life of athletes food plays very important role. Therefore knowledge of these simple secrets of sports food will help to make correctly a diet and to increase efficiency of any trainings.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.