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Taycha gymnastics

Taych are a revitalizing gymnastics, martial art and dance at the same time. Taych it is from Ancient China – at that time there was an idea to create dance which will be able to revitalize a body, to strengthen fighting spirit, to reestablish the broken communication of a body with reason.

Тайчи - китайская гимнастика

Today masters of a taycha recommend this equipment if it is necessary to strengthen joints and muscles, to increase flexibility of muscles, to improve coordination, to reduce the recovery period after changes, the postponed injuries. Also taych serves as excellent prevention of osteoporosis, means for a raising of the general tone.

Taych can be studied as martial art, but for this purpose it is necessary to visit special sections. If there is a purpose to get healthier by means of this gymnastics, then as the masters of a taycha difficult in exercises speak is not present – to take several lessons enough and it is possible to continue, at desire, house occupations.

Mistake will study taych with the purpose to lose excess weight. Features of a taycha is a smoothness of movements, constant concentration and meditation, but not speed and force. This gymnastics learns to own the body and reason. The doctrine about energy which correct circulation provides both physical, and spiritual health is its cornerstone.

What taycha trainings begin with

As the gymnastics does not assume vanity and dynamics, it is necessary to begin studying of the equipment also without hurrying. At first it is necessary to learn to own a body – to be able, standing on one leg, not to fall, at the same time to hold correctly a backbone, and it is correct to move legs and hands. In the course of the trainings of a taycha of a muscle get used gradually to tension, the joint pain decreases, the extension improves.

The longer trainings continue, the more taycha influences consciousness. Those who do gymnastics constantly, say that working capacity and concentration of attention improve, irritability leaves, the emotional background is leveled, the condition of a nervous system considerably improves.

The gymnastics practically has no contraindications, cancer patients and elderly people can even apply it.

Footwear with a thin sole will be suitable for occupations of a taycha better to feel a surface of a floor or the earth. Also it is allowed to be engaged barefoot or in socks if temperature indoors allows. The training form has to be such that does not hold down movements, and does not distract from performance of exercises.

It is possible to be engaged taych daily as, for example, yoga, in the room or on the street. At the same time it is important to watch external temperature – it has to be comfortable, that is not hot and not cold.

One more important point is the choice of the master of a taycha. If there is a purpose to recover the relations with itself, but it is not just interesting to spend time, then it is necessary to find the person who practices taych long ago. Now in many fitness centers offer such gymnastics, but in most cases it is only about unusual aerobics without meditation and self-knowledge.

Also in taych individual approach from the trainer is important, pay also attention to it. Your psychological and physical state has to be considered.

Тайчи - комплекс упражнений, включающий гимнастику и боевое искусство

Examples of exercises

Let's give for an example a taycha set of exercises here:

  • "immersion in Chi". It is necessary to rise directly, to place legs on width of hips, to distribute the weight of the body on a foot, to bend legs in knees (slightly). It is called an initial position. After its acceptance it is deeply necessary to inhale, raise hands to shoulder height, to raise brushes, to bend elbows that palms appeared at the level of a forehead then to straighten hands before themselves. It is so necessary to make 4 times;
  • "embraces with the moon". The initial position described above is accepted, the deep breath is taken, hands are bent as if hold a sphere, fingers on the right foot rest against the earth, her heel at the same time touches the left ankle. The right knee is taken aside;
  • "mane of a horse". Continuing to stand in a pose of "Embrace with the moon", to deeply inhale, take a step to the right. Legs at the same time have to be placed slightly more widely, than on width of shoulders. The right hand is exposed forward, her elbow is a little bent, the brush rises up, and the palm turns to the person. The left hand also has to be bent in an elbow, and her wrist is pressed to a hip (its upper part), the brush is extended forward;
  • "breakthrough". Continuing to stand in a pose "A mane of a horse", it is deeply necessary to inhale, lean back back, without hurrying to become straight, bend the left elbow so that the palm appeared at the level of a forehead. The right hand is bent in an elbow too, the palm looks down. After that it is deeply necessary to inhale, throw out the left hand sharply forward. Its brush at the same time is bent, and the palm looks forward.
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