Main > Food stuffs> Tamarind


The tamarind is a plant from family bean and sorts the Indian dates. Fruits of a tamarind grow on a tropical tree.

Дерево тамаринд

Biological features and distribution

For the first time the tamarind was grown up in the territory of East Africa, and then extended across all Africa in rainforests and was delivered to Asia. In the 16th century the plant began to be grown up in South and Central America. In height the tree reaches 20 meters, is evergreen and has dark red wood. Tamarind leaves difficult, flowers have small inflorescences, and fruits represent silicular beans with a set of seeds.

This fruit is widespread and popular in South America as ingredient for various dishes. Fruits of a tamarind have brown color, sweetish taste with characteristic smack, juicy pulp and firm change. Process of maturing of fruits lasts from the middle of spring prior to the beginning of summer.

Wild-growing species of a tamarind are widespread on Caribbean Islands, in the countries of East Asia and Sudan. In the tropical countries of Africa and Asia the tree is cultivated.

The tamarind is a hygrophilous plant which demands regular watering and a drainage of the soil. Reproduction of a plant happens in the seed way, germination lasts for 10 days, and the first inflorescences appear after 6-7 years.

Useful properties of a tamarind and its use

Useful properties of a tamarind are caused by its structure, vitamin-rich and microelements. Do medical tea which is effective for treatment of diseases of respiratory system, fever and diarrhea of this fruit. Broth of fruits of fruit possesses antiinflammatory and laxative actions.

At regular consumption of a tamarind appetite improves and arterial pressure is normalized. Thanks to high useful properties of a tamarind, it is used at diseases of the alimentary system, disorders of intestines and problems with digestion of food.

Vitamins A and With, organic acids which have the protivogelmintny, knitting and antiedematous properties are a part of a tamarind.

Fruit pulp juicy and edible, it is used as ingredient for vegetable dishes, desserts and sauces, and also it is applied as spice in Asian and American cuisines. Pulp of unripe fruits is used for preparation of hot dishes and drinks, and the ripened fruits add to salads and snack.

Wood of a tamarind is used for production of furniture, home decoration and floor coverings.

In the medical purposes pulp, bark and leaves of a plant is applied. From leaves prepare herbal tea, broths and infusions.

India does liquid dishes, rice baked puddings and various drinks of fruit. In the countries to South America the tamarind is popular ingredient for various sweets, and also it is eaten in the dried, salty and candied look.

In Europe this fruit began to be used as additional ingredient for second courses and desserts (mousse, jelly, fruit salad, smuz, etc.).

Mousse from a tamarind possesses fortifying and tonic action. He is trained from pulp of beans, filled in with boiled water and cook to a dense consistence. Then add sugar to broth and shake up to mousse. Such dish normalizes digestion, strengthens walls of vessels and improves work of cardiovascular system.

Плоды тамаринд

Tamarind contraindications

Contraindications to the use of a tamarind are the individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions to this fruit.

The tamarind should not be eaten at a serious illness of the alimentary system, disorders of intestines, hormonal disturbances and serious inflammatory processes in internals.

This fruit cannot be used in a large number as it can cause a digestive disturbance and diarrhea.

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