Hematidrosis (haemathidrosis; Greek haimatos, haima – blood + Greek hidros – sweat + Greek – Usis (словообраз. a suffix) – a disease; synonyms: a bloody sweat, a hematidrosis) – infiltration of blood or the sweat containing blood through the unimpaired skin on its surface.
Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.
Many parents of children at the age of 2-4 years face excessively whimsical behavior of the child. The kid exhausts constant crying...
Section: SlideshowSmoking not only exerts a negative impact on the state of health of the consumer of tobacco products, but is an air polluter the substances potentially dangerous to people around. In recent years significantly the number of people, стремящ increased...
Section: Articles about healthLife activity of one-celled fungi of the sort Candida, related to yeast is a proximate cause of development of candidiasis (milkwoman). Normal these microorganisms are a part of the microflora living in an oral cavity and intestines of most of people and also in a female genital tract. The pathological phenomena are observed when fungi begin to breed too violently. At the same time there is an inflammatory process affecting mucous membranes and which is shown very nepr...
Section: Articles about healthVisit of doctors – business not the most pleasant, and many people do not hurry to undergo necessary planned inspections. Such behavior...
Section: Articles about healthCystitis, or inflammation of a mucous membrane of a bladder, this very widespread disease which, owing to some features of a structure of bodies of urinogenital system, women have approximately four times more often than men. In the main risk group...
Section: Articles about healthPartial and the more so full loss of hearing significantly reduces quality of life. Difficulties with communication lead to loneliness and isolation. The person who badly hears experiences difficulties with social and professional implementation, quite often has problems in private life....
Section: Articles about healthThe saying "the rich do not know how the other half lives" is known to all. In a broad sense it is that we can not always understand the person, about...
Section: Articles about healthWood louse – the ordinary-looking unpretentious plant extended in all territory of our country. It quickly expands, and sometimes fills sites, bringing a lot of chagrin to gardeners. Perhaps, they would be upset less if knew that the wood louse is the prices...
Section: Articles about healthReactive pancreatitis - the disease which is characterized by inflammatory process in a pancreas which arises most often because of excess activity of digestive enzymes. It − the emergency state which treatment has to take place in surgical department under control of doctors. The acute inflammation of gland can become the reason of its transition to a chronic form, and also development is purulent - necrotic pancreatitis which the extensive necrosis of fabrics can follow. Zabolev...
Section: Articles about healthWith age in a human body harmful substances collect. We receive them with food and water, at inhalation contaminated air...
Section: Articles about healthEach person has easy indispositions which he transfers "standing", trying not to ask for medical care. Arguments at the same time are adduced same: "it is a trifle, itself will pass", "I have too many important issues", "there are no wish to spend time on...
Section: Articles about healthFor the last decades the diabetes mellitus of the second type became really world problem. The number of cases annually increases, and average age of patients for whom the illness is diagnosed, steadily decreases. Specialists consider that one of the main reasons for this trouble is disturbance of a diet. In other words, the huge number of people regularly overeats or excessively is fond of the products causing glucose exchange process failures....
Section: Articles about healthThe immunity role in growth of the child is invaluable. The proteins-immunoglobulins produced by immune system preserve the child against diseases...
Section: Articles about healthThe hysteromyoma is diagnosed more than at a third of women 35 years are more senior. This high-quality new growth which at early stages successfully resolves by means of medicines. It is necessary to resort to an operative measure only in those a case...
Section: Articles about healthAll are familiar with cold, and practically everyone believes that he has sufficient knowledge and experience that correctly to treat it. In practice most of people makes mistakes in attempts to get rid of rhinitis, and divides numerous delusions it....
Section: Articles about healthThe main role in development of a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum the bacterium Helikobakter plays pilor. Activity and Wuxi...
Section: Articles about healthEach person supports all life a SARS about 200 times. The peak of incidence falls on cold season, but it is possible to get sick with a temperature and a pharyngalgia, and sometimes and very possibly, even during a heat. The reasons for development of catarrhal diseases exists множество:...
Section: Articles about healthPopular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, continually it is necessary to hear that all of us are sick hardly from a school bench. It is hard to say whether so it actually because too often people are treated for nonexistent diseases, and sometimes call a disease what is something another. Sometimes in it the doctors of old school making diagnoses which are cancelled long ago – medicine still unless are guilty...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on food. The organism will well function if during food it are...
Section: Articles about healthTo look healthy and means well-groomed not only to be pleasant to people around, but also to feel strong, sure and taken place. Specialists in the field of cosmetology quite often note that whether not all women are able to look after skin...
Section: Articles about healthLet's begin with the fact that a separate illness which is called "adjournment of salts", just does not exist. In practice this household name of disbolism leading to development of a number of diseases. Pathological process consists that in an organism there is an accumulation of salts of uric acid (as a rule, owing to failure of a water salt metabolism or insufficiently effective work of secretory system)....
Section: Articles about healthModern footwear is extremely various. It stopped being only protection for legs long ago. Today shoes, boots, barefoot persons in...
Section: Articles about healthThey say that to ensure health and longevity of people it is obliged. Really, at competent approach to these questions, minimization of an adverse effect of many factors does not represent a special problem. Practically everyone has an opportunity to play sports...
Section: Articles about healthIodine - one of thirty most important microelements in our organism. The main role of iodine consists in synthesis of thyroid hormones of a thyroid gland - the substances which are responsible for the majority of exchange processes of an organism. It is known that thyroid hormones consist of iodine more than for 65%. The lack of iodine leads to decrease in production of hormones and, as a result, development of a hypothyroidism. The long condition of deficit can become a source of problems of the cardiovascular, bone, digestive SI...
Section: Articles about healthThe metabolism at each person proceeds in own way. However dependence between the speed of this process and disposal from superfluous in...
Section: Articles about healthStriya (extension) are the defects of skin having an appearance of direct or wavy strips from 1 to 10 cm long and 1-5 mm wide. In most cases at women of a striya are located on a stomach, hips, a breast or buttocks. At athletes they can appear on shoulders and внутренн...
Section: Articles about healthFeeding by a breast - the integral part of ideal motherhood allowing to come into contact with the kid and to create to it healthy immunity since early years. Nevertheless, this important process in life of mother and child can be saddened laktostazy − by a milk delay in a mammary gland. What main reasons for a laktostaz? How not to allow problems with breastfeeding? Let's consider 10 premises resulting in stagnation of milk at the nursing mother....
Section: Articles about health