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Removal of keratomas

Удаление кератом лазером - технология и последствияSkin – rather vulnerable body of a human body. On it often there are specific new growths causing certain problems. Keratomas – peculiar skin outgrowths are distinguished from various skin defects. They represent small sites of skin with the expanded epithelial layer which gradually takes a crust form. Though these new growths usually bessimptomna, removal of keratomas – very demanded procedure. It is connected with the fact that at accidental damage of an upper layer outgrowths can bleed, some of them are zlokachestvenno capable to regenerate. Besides it is major cosmetic defect.

Origins of keratomas

There are several reasons of development of skin new growths. Any of them promotes emergence on a body of rough outgrowths. In most cases it inevitably results in need of removal of keratomas. Age changes in an organism and adverse effect on skin of the person of ultraviolet rays are considered as the main reasons. Usually these reasons are interconnected.

With age skin loses natural moisture, its blanket begins to grow coarse that complicates exfoliating of the died-off epidermis. As a result in some places peculiar outgrowths are formed of epithelial cells – keratomas. Striking

influence of ultraviolet rays aggravates this process. The new growths having a brownish shade gradually become covered by a crust which can be very dense or, on the contrary, shelled. In case of damage of an upper layer outgrowths, as a rule, become sanguifluous and rather painful. Some types of similar growths are capable to be the reason of oncological diseases.

Removal of keratomas is a peculiar prevention of possible complications. Besides, this procedure allows to solve also a cosmetic problem as new growths usually are located on open parts of a body and often have multiple character.

Types of keratomas

The following types of keratomas most often occur among rather big number of skin new growths:

  • Senile. Represents the multiple outgrowths covered with a grayish crust which are inclined to an inflammation that causes a severe itch. Most often similar defects of integuments meet on a face, a neck, brushes;
  • Solar. Development of pathological process in skin begins with emergence of a set of the shelled spots which are covered with gray scales. As it is clear from the name, ultraviolet rays become a provocative factor. Removal of keratomas of this look in connection with possible danger is surely shown, there is a risk of regeneration of a new growth in a malignant tumor;
  • Seborrheal. Defect, as a rule, arises on a pilar part of head skin. Skin outgrowths of dark color can also appear on a neck, a face, extremities. The upper surface of similar abnormal educations is covered with deep cracks which are shelled and quite often bleed. At this keratoma removal, reviews of which are very positive, allows to avoid serious effects and, first of all, oncological.

Removal of keratomas laser

There are various methods of elimination of skin new growths. The most effective of them such procedure as removal of keratomas is considered the laser. The similar method differs in painlessness, bystry achievement of desirable result, lack of complications in the form of hems or scars. It allows to use it on any parts of a body, including on a face.

During the procedure the laser beam goes precisely to a keratoma, at the same time it burns all layers of the injured skin to healthy fabrics. Also obstruction of the vessels feeding a keratoma that excludes bleeding results.

After removal of a keratoma the laser process of healing of a wound surface takes place quickly enough, within 10-14 days. During regeneration of skin it is impossible to take baths and, especially, to be on a bright sun. After recovery of an epithelial layer it is necessary to avoid ultra-violet radiation also.

There are different opinions about that, demands or not the keratoma of removal, responses of the people who underwent the similar procedure demonstrate considerable improvement of health, as in physical, and morally.

Removal of keratomas in house conditions

Возможно ли удаление кератом в домашних условияхMany try to practice independent removal of skin new growths by means of folk remedies. It is necessary to remember that similar treatment can be productive only at the small sizes of keratomas, at an initial stage of their development. As there is always a potential danger of cancer regeneration of similar defects of skin, surely it is necessary to get advice of the doctor.

Process of removal of keratomas in house conditions includes use of both outside, and internal means. For processing of the damaged sites of skin most often use the napkins moistened with celandine juice which regularly change. Also do applications on the basis of oils of coniferous trees. Similar procedures promote a softening of outgrowths that reduces their bleeding and removes an itch.

Inside accept the herbal teas and broths promoting improvement of a metabolism that has positive effect on a condition of skin in general. After removal of a keratoma it is necessary to avoid a negative impact on an organism of sunshine.

It should be noted nevertheless that independent treatment of new growths of skin demands quite long time and, at the same time, rather seldom leads to a positive take. Considering this fact, it is much more reasonable to ask for removal of keratomas for medical care especially as there is an opportunity to choose a way of treatment. It will allow to get rid quickly of a problem and to recover physical and peace of mind.

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