Vitamin B

Vitamin B was discovered by the scientist from Poland Kazimir Funk in 1912. At that time was considered that it is one vitamin. Also it was only much later it is established that vitamin B actually represents the whole complex of various connections. All of them received further the name group B vitamins since in natural products are present at a type of a complex.

Витамин B в продуктах

Biological effect of vitamins B

Vitamins B take huge part in development by cells of energy and tissue respiration, are necessary for maintenance of emotional and mental health of the person. At sufficient intake of vitamins of group B the need of an organism for animal protein decreases that is especially important in the presence of various allergic diseases.

Vitamins B for hair

This complex of vitamins is necessary for health and beauty of hair. It not only strengthens hair, but also does head skin healthy. The lack of B1 Vitamin results in dimness and the increased fragility of hair. Riboflavinum (B2 Vitamin) gives to hair silkiness and a beautiful healthy look. Quite often the lack of Niacin (B3 Vitamin) is the reason of early emergence of a gray hair. A hypovitaminosis of B6 and B12 Vitamins leads to a xeroderma of the head and emergence of dandruff. Thus, vitamins B are necessary for hair, and it is possible to receive them always from food at the healthy and balanced diet.

Hypervitaminosis of vitamins of group B

Vitamins of group B are water-soluble. Their hypervitaminosis (surplus) is never observed because excesses are brought out of an organism with organism secretory products.

Lack of vitamins B

Vitamins of group B do not collect in an organism (an exception only Tsianokobolamin – B12 vitamin makes) and therefore they need to be received daily with food. They easily collapse the caffeine, nicotine refined by sugar and alcohol. As a result of it many people test a hypovitaminosis (shortcoming) of vitamins B.

In large numbers a conclusion of vitamins B is observed during treatment by antibiotics and antitubercular drugs, and also at stresses. Therefore need for additional receipt of a complex of vitamins B sharply increases in this situation. So against the background of therapy by antibiotics the need for B1 vitamin increases by 10 times, and in B2, B5 and B6 vitamins – more than five times.

The lack of vitamins B can lead to development of the following morbid conditions:

  • Frequent exacerbations of rheumatism, radiculitis;
  • Development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Disturbances of activity of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • Anemias;
  • Inflammations of integuments;
  • The slowed-down growth at children and teenagers;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Nausea;
  • Earlier canities;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Pancreas diseases.
Кисломолочные продукты - источник витамина B2

Content of vitamins B in food stuffs

Vitamins of group B contain in many products of both vegetable, and animal origin. There is a lot of them in meat, eggs, cheese, milk, fish and seafood, green vegetables, fruit, rice, mushrooms, beans and nuts.

To enrich a diet with group B vitamins, many nutritionists advise daily to add to juice or soups on some teaspoons of dry beer yeast.

One more excellent source of this group of vitamins are fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, acidophilus milk, curdled milk, kefir). It is possible to mix dairy drinks with powdered skim milk (on one liter of kefir add about a half of a cup of powdered milk). It increases intake of vitamins B with food stuffs even more and at the same time does not increase food caloric content, does not promote increase in level of cholesterol in blood.

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There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.