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Child and gadgets: fears of parents

Гаджеты вызывают зависимость у детей
Gadgets cause dependence in children
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This is true. About 60% of the teenagers using smartphones recognized that they are dependent on it. But it is rather psychological dependence, than medical. Yes, having been left without favourite gadget, the child will feel a certain discomfort if not to distract its attention to something else. By the way, we also test dependence on gadgets. Think how often your child sees you with the tablet in hands?
Проблемы в реальном общении
Problems in real communication
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If the child communicates in everyday life much, then this risk is very exaggerated. Besides, parents have to understand that virtual communication is a full-fledged component of the present today, and from it not to get to anywhere. Other question when your child lacks communication with parents, friends, ability to occupy itself, and he looks for an exit, communicating with virtual friends.
Лень к жизни
Laziness to life
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Many parents complain that their child spends all free time the Internet, and to it all the same whom he will be after leaving school to what institute will come, etc. And whether really fault to all computer and Internet? No. It is absolutely normal for teenage age – not to know whom you want to become in the future. Do not forget that your child still psychologically did not ripen, and it is difficult to it to make so crucial decision.
На что стоит обратить внимание родителям?
What parents should pay attention to?
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Hobby in itself for gadgets – absolutely normal phenomenon. But here in certain cases it is worth seeing in it danger. When? When your child for the sake of them changes a usual way of life, refuses to communicate with friends, to walk, read, cannot quietly behave without gadget, falls into hysterics, uses a gadget during walks or meals.
Какой вред здоровью могут нанести гаджеты?
What harm to health gadgets can do?
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From the technical point of view smartphones, tablets, and also other gadgets do not exceed admissible norm of radiation. Nevertheless, parents have to limit time which the child spends behind games as in addition to psychological dependence, excessive (more than 10 hours a day) watching in a screen is fraught with short-sightedness and a syndrome of a dry eye.
Синдром сухого глаза
Syndrome of a dry eye
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Normal the person blinks 18 times a minute, updating thereby the lacrimal film. When the child watches the animated film or plays a computer game, he blinks 2-6 times a minute. It leads to the fact that the lacrimal film dries and becomes thinner, there is a feeling of dryness and reddening of eyes. Therefore ophthalmologists recommend everyone half an hour to do a break and to distract from the monitor.
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To avoid short-sightedness, parents should watch that their child used the tablet or the smartphone, without holding him in hand, and lying on a table, or having put on a special support as when using a gadget in hands of an eye are forced to adjust constantly sharpness on the changing image corner. Also it is necessary to watch distance from eyes to the screen, it should not be less than 50 cm.
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Recent researches showed that computer games are an emotional stress for the child and can increase his excitability in everyday life. However it concerns only those children for whom gadgets are the only source of impressions. In other words, make life of the child various: attend performances, morning performances and other actions – and the gadget will strongly not interest your child.
Нарушение осанки
Disturbance of a bearing
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Long sitting in a motionless pose can negatively affect the child's bearing, and also lead to disturbance of nerve conduction owing to an overstrain and a spasm of small muscular groups. In certain cases spasms of brushes and fingers, neck and spin pains can be observed. What to do? It is necessary to give to the child more movement. For example, force time to jump in half an hour it on one leg, or to be wrung out.
Вред для сосудов
Harm for vessels
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Long stay in a motionless pose also conducts to an excessive muscle tension of a neck and their spasm. The prelum of blood vessels can result, the brain hypoxia is a consequence of what (air hunger). You watch when your child begins during the game with a gadget constantly to yawn, complains of a headache, becomes sluggish is a signal to coming off a game and to move properly.
Покажите ребенку разнообразие мира
Show to the child a variety of the world
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To limit the child from a long game with gadgets, fill his life with other interesting occupations. Then need to limit time and to run into family scandal will disappear by itself. Play with the child various games in the fresh air, visit circus, a zoo, various attractions. Take away the kid in a circle on interests (section of karate or soccer) and he will forget about the tablet.
Сделайте смартфон своим союзником
Make the smartphone the ally
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You should not at all prohibit to use gadgets – it will not lead to anything unless to unnecessary quarrels. Just explain to the kid that the gadget is necessary not for games, and for business. So, on the smartphone it is necessary to make calls, and on the tablet it is possible to write down the list of necessary affairs. There are many useful applications for school students, had installed which, it is possible to use a gadget with advantage.
Родительский контроль
Parent control
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One of useful programs for the parents allowing to reduce time which the child spends on the Internet or a game is "Parent control". This software puts passwords on certain programs or closes access to some websites. It will become quiet, convenient and silent not only to you, but also your child.
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In modern time without gadgets life is almost impossible. It is necessary to the person without necessary skills in use of gadgets very hard first of all in the professional plan. Therefore you should not refuse them at all. And here it is necessary to limit. They have to be present at life in the same measure as sport, creativity and communication with peers. And parents have to find balance.


Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.