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13 types of frustration of a dream

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Dreadful dreams
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Often people who see dreadful dreams wake up with feelings of fear and alarm. Quite often people see so frightening nightmares that are even afraid to go to bed. Recently postponed injuring events and stresses can become the reasons of similar frustration. Also nightmares can arise owing to reception of certain drugs.
Syndrome of "the blowing-up head"
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So frustration of a dream when the person suddenly wakes up in the middle of night from the seeming deafening sound is called. As a rule, it seems to the patient that this sound occurs in his head. Quite often similar "explosions" are followed by light flashes, there is a strong feeling of fear, and even horror, breath is at a loss. The exact reasons of similar disturbance are not established, but some improvement is observed at medicinal treatment.
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About 3% of all adults, and about 30% of children suffer from noctambulation (lunacy). Noctambulation is a circulation in a dream. The exact reasons of similar frustration of a dream are not defined, but is established that quite often the people with dysfunctions of a dream or who transferred strong tension are subject to a lunacy.
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Sexsomnia – quite strange frustration of a dream at which the person shows active sexual activity in a dream. Sexsomnia is considered one of types of a lunacy. This frustration both occurs at women, and at men. Characteristic feature for all is that the person does not remember the actions. Quite often drugs, alcohol and chaotic sex life lead to sexsomnia.
Ночные ужасы
Night horrors
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The main difference of night horrors from dreadful dreams is that night horrors happen in phases of an uneasy dream, that is in the first two hours of a dream, at the same time the person can wake up for 20 seconds and again fall asleep. Night horrors refer to category of disorders of awakening. Characteristic feature of horrors is what is not held them in remembrance if not to wake the person.
Сонные галлюцинации
Sleepy hallucinations
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This frustration of a dream when the person, being in a drowsy state, before the backfilling, sees hallucinations. Also similar hallucinations can happen during awakening. Remembering similar visions, people tell, каккто paced their room, or someone's voices were heard.
Паралич сна
Dream paralysis
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Dream paralysis – a state when before backfilling or after awakening there comes paralysis of the majority of muscles of a body. This state the return to a lunacy when paralysis of muscles does not come during sleep. The decubitus paralitis, as a rule, from several seconds to two minutes lasts. A state it is unpleasant, but rather harmless though usually is followed by panic fear to fall into a lethargical sleep, to die or go crazy.
Расстройство поведения в стадии быстрого сна
Disorder of behavior in a REM sleep stage
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Given disturbances it is characterized by physiological features at a REM sleep stage: bystry movements of eyes, twitchings of extremities, face muscles, disturbance of cordial activity, respiratory rhythm regularity, increase in arterial pressure, atony of anti-gravitational muscles.
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Bruxism is called disturbance when the person in a dream strongly grits teeth or creaks them. The accidental creak teeth does not do harm, however continuous gnashings can injure teeth or cause feeling of discomfort in mouth muscles. The reasons of a bruxism are not clear. Doctors assume that it can be the stressful situations which are absent or the bent teeth, malocclusion. Helps to improve situation a cap.
Говорение во сне
Speaking in a dream
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Somnilokviya – speech activity in a dream. This frustration of a dream meets quite often and it is not considered a serious medical problem. As a rule, speaking in a dream is absolutely harmless though sometimes listeners can learn a lot of interesting. Speaking lasts about 30 seconds, and can repeat in a night several times.
Приступ апноэ
Apnoea attack
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The attack of an apnoea is a serious violation of a dream, a proyavlyayushcheesyavremenny apnoea. This frustration needs timely treatment as apnoeas will only become frequent, up to 100 times in a night. All people, even children are subject to an apnoea, but most often it occurs at men, people with obesity, the increased tonsils.
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Narcolepsy – frustration of a dream when the person is not able to control a condition of wakefulness and a dream. The people suffering from a narcolepsy during the day have uncontrollable attacks of a dream which can occur during any occupation and at any time. The reasons of a narcolepsy are unknown therefore the disease, as a rule, is not treated.
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Sleeplessness – frustration of a dream when it is very difficult for person to fall asleep. Sleeplessness can be primary, or caused by other psychological and physical diseases. There can be sleeplessness because of a depression, a strong stressful situation, owing to hormonal disturbances in an organism, and also sleeplessness arises owing to reception of some medicines.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.